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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Levon Helm Concert @ Suicide Six

I started to write this late last night after we drove home, ran errands
and picked a few bushels of tomatillos, peppers, tomatoes, basil
knowing we have to process sunday in the hurricane before the work week begins again.
we did it all with a smile, remembering the concert the night before with our shaman guide,
our center, our balancing force, the best drummer in the world,
and his marvellous pillar musicians, staff ,
and the special steep mountains of woodstock, vermont
i resumed writing this in the am and hope you enjoy.still tired, pardon any typos.mary.

We were thrilled to attend the
Levon Helm concert last night at Suicide Six Ski Resort
in Woodstock, Vermont .
(ok technically Pomfret, Vermont).

I keep Levon's concert widget in my margin which is
how we came to get these special tickets.

The weather was beautiful, although a (similar to a may fly) fly hatch was strange.
They did dissipate as the cool air rolled in at sunset.
We parked in good seats we claimed early on, the third row seemed the right place.
Fred asked about taking pics and the guy said yes but I am still skeptical
and only will post a couple of the best.
I take no credit for these pics, the credit goes all to the dedicated musicians and
their people. I do not sell pictures, but these musicians sell their music
and I hope you buy some of their merchandise

We enjoyed seeing and hearing
the opening bands:
The Joe Pug Duo

Bow Thayer & the Perfect Trainwreck.
Both bands had the mountains rocking....

I am getting ahead of myself.

We have been following Levon Helm since before we were we,
and that has been roughly 30 years this year.
His music, a familiar friend,
kindred themes,
amusing lyrics,
masterful arrangements,
heartfelt music,
those drums, that spirit,
which makes us, the audience

His story told in his autobigraphy,
This Wheel's on Fire
(great read and am ready for the sequel!)
cements his tale of
hard work, sweat, determination,
and bold honesty.

We admire his grace,
his spark,
his extraordinary talent,
he has been with us through thick and thin,
a musician can hold such a special place in our hearts.
I think they actually pull your

Yesterday, Friday, (as I wrote this last night, head nodding) ,
We traveled down the Vermont I-89 corridor,
a beautiful sky on this August day. The Green mountains rising on either side.

We travel to Exit 1 and exit towards Woodstock (VT).
We checked in and then went north 2 miles to Pomfret
to the Suicide Six Ski slope aka summer concert venue (6 at 6).
We walked up to the ticket area and saw wonderful mountain views.

The tickets we got were for the chairs in front of the stage.
First come, first served.
We picked out 2 good seats  in the 3rd row and went to get food.

We met a teacher who knew the people in Bow's band.  She knew about Joe Pug as well.
And as she spoke of the local VT bands, I was feeling my age. No one sounded real familiar
but I am willing to listen. She mentioned Tweed River Music and we had something in common,
I twitter with them,
I am not quite sure why or how I connected with them, 
but I was feeling a little less un-hip

The rest of the story is about when the Man comes on stage,
and we young and old get to see the
Greatest Drummer on Earth
and his core of solid, serious, fun and entertaining,
tight, caring, dedicated people.

He shared his world with us, his world of drumming,
so much more than drumming,
he is such a special man.
We are a grateful audience.

Thanks Sincerely to Levon and Company for a great summer evening we will never forget
until we forget everything.



  1. Mary, I just saw the horrific Vermont flooding on television. I hope you and yours are okay.

  2. Hi Judy, We are OK. We are staying put tonight. Lots of rain and wind. So far tolerable here. Thanks for stopping by. Irene is witch.


Feel free to leave comments. Have a great day in the Universe!