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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Land Rights Week Study guide

For Land Rights Week I am posting a few spreadsheets I did awhile ago and hid away
until I could look at them again.
****I know you cannot read them, but it is the best I can do for now, i have the .pdf's but the conversion lacks clarity. If you want to see the actual .pdf maybe send me an e-mail...mary****

Show and tell for those curious (and those who ho hum ) about my rant re: VT property tax reform.
I promise to move to more entertaining subjects just as soon as I get this
posted in the blogosphere.

The PDF's were hard to get posted, but here is my research.
The Monkton delinquent tax policy was adopted by 3 men in 2004.
They are a.k.a. selectmen, town fathers.
(this policy is also available at

this is my spreadsheet of research:

spreadsheet of delinquent tax info monkton
basically it shows that from 2004-2009 there were virtually no properties sold.
in 2009, we were selected as on of 4 or 5 out of 54 delinquents that year.

actual pages below of delinquent tax list from the town report monkton:

list of delinquent taxes 2004-2009 and un enforced laws monkton

page 2 of delinquent taxes

there, that was a long day.
back to the back yard...rain is done for the day. mary

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