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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Land Rights Week

I sit at the typewriter...
(do you know what that looks like?)
I type
(knowing in 3 months aka 90+/-days, we have to write a check for $5,000 +/- (actually $6K+ but we get an income break-this year)(no bill yet)to the town or they will impose penalties, fees, interest, lawyer fees, ads, and then take and sell our century farm if we are as little as 6 months being late paying the taxes. the taxes the town collects by force if necessary go to the state for a $15,000 per pupil VT education tax as well as local taxes voted in by a minority of voters. note: other towns in Vermont never have tax sales. monkton has them on annual basis since nailing us in 2009, even though the town's "new" "irrevocable" tax sale rule has been around since 2004, hard core enforcement in gear in 2009?... spreadsheets coming soon...the legislature has ignored vt prop tax reform even though the pro tem of senate almost had his house sold. dang! i was told no one can change the rules. now i seek minutes to meetings people say may never have happened and i wonder, am i alone? in rural vermont, you are not alone but it sometimes feels that way. reaching out to my international friends and all my friends stateside, i find a reason to blog and share ideas with like and unlike minded with a day off for Bennington Battle Day, i am reminded freedom is not free. speech is so far free and i hope to incite peace and justice and protections for landowners, not bulldozers of justice:archaic rules, unconstitutional penalties, complex processes, greedy carpetbaggers, bullies and lawyers who spin rules like cotton candy.

Land Rights Week

as designated by me,
can i do that?
Why not?

in fact, i designate
every week is:

Land Rights Week!
please vote,
speak out
and remember,
rules can be changed when
enough people
speak up...
at least that's what mom told me.

1 comment:

  1. It is a bitter irony I posted this when I thought things might change.
    Nothing has.
    We sold the Farm.
    4 Generations
    2 Signatures
    Taxes Due November
    No bill yet.
    Lights out.
    Vermont won.
    Girl lost.
    Mama Tried
    So did I.
    Bye Bye ��


Feel free to leave comments. Have a great day in the Universe!