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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Good Fight

The Good Fight

We wish our neighbors Godspeed as they fight the demonic laws that say Vermont towns can
make you pay taxes (no payments, no hardship allowance, no abatement)
and if a day late:
8% more
and up to 15%  to the town's lawyer du jour
and interest, shame, feelings of futility, injustice,
futile arguments
where the town says,
that is the rule as long as I am in power.

Feeling like feudal serfs
off to work each day
"off the farm"
so to speak since we cannot afford to
plant our way to making the $5,000 taxes we owe in only 2.5 months.
(we do not know the exact amount-the royalty alone knows that number.)

Now, for the only public info I am able to find about Monkton's
pit bull style
tax sales
and burdens,
that taxpayers should challenge to the highest court,
but we just cannot
fight that fight
while the MonSter pulls my legs and
tries to undermine my ability to work to save the
family farm.

here is a snip of Monkton VT minutes of selectboard,
a disheartening glimpse at local intolerance to century farms.
great great grandfathers are rolling up in the Cemetery nobody mows anymore.

[Re: Hurlburt Property Tax

Josh, Mike, Dave, and Harry Hurlburt were present to request an extension on their property taxes until October. The list of delinquent property taxes was sent to the town lawyer today. It was noted that at this point the Hurlburt’s will be required to send their tax money directly to the lawyer. The Select Board and the Hurlburt’s discussed ways to keep the fees as low as possible. Kevin Brennan is the lawyer who will be doing the tax sale and his contact information was provided to the Hurlburt’s. Harry Hurlburt stated that Roderick Burritt told him he would hold off on sending the Hurlburt properties to the lawyer until the Hurlburt’s had a chance to meet with the Select Board. It was noted by the Select Board that the town policy is to not hold any properties back from the process of the tax sale; as it might be perceived as preferential treatment. The Hurlburt’s will contact Kevin Brennan to set up a plan.]

selectboard minutes found at
I have been looking for the ANA-C minutes, no one seems to be responsible,
don't we pay taxes for this?
more reasons to blog, the papers do not want to publish any of these rants.
mary gerdt, monkton, vermont gazetteer

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