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Saturday, November 3, 2012

Yes Vermont Yankee: Fear and Facts about Nuclear Plants and Hurricanes

Yes Vermont Yankee: Fear and Facts about Nuclear Plants and Hurricanes

link to blog by meredith angwin,
my nuclear go to woman.
it does deserve to be in the news that the nuclear plants along
the devastated atlantic coastline
fared ok.



  1. Storm Sandy came in like a demon
    and gave the East Coast a bad reaming.
    While New York was flooded
    and everyone shuddered,
    the nuclear plants kept on steaming.

    1. Great poetry! Good news. Have a great week! mary

    2. Thanks - I wouldn't claim it for poetry, myself... but it's fun to squeeze ideas into the framework of the limerick.

    3. I linked to this post, and I copied the limerick--both to the Save Vermont Yankee FB page. It's fun to have a little fun sometimes, doncha think?

    4. Absolutely! Was hoping you found the great poetry left in my comment box. Thanks to Joffan for keeping it light! Thanks Meredith for stopping by and for writing this piece in normal speak. Have a great week! mary


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