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Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Healthcare... Reform?

My thoughts follow as I read this blog by a favorite neurologist...

My comments:
“I woke up wondering how I could get my next 90 day allotment of Glatopa shots 💉  before the end of the year because I’ve met my $750 deductible for 2019. Glatopa is he generic of Copaxone, both of which seem old school, so yesterday. But at 61 on Medicare and a Supplement, Why should I expect More?
There’s something cruel about making me pay $750 USD in January right after Christmas 🎄
Then I thought about young Serbians, without even Access to DMT’s and I felt Rich, Elite, Privileged. Am I really worth it?
Maybe we can leave President Trump out of this.
He didn’t devise the ill fated Obama-Care, which put high premiums, deductibles and penalties for not participating.
He didn’t tout “Medicare for all “ like the Democratic Party Candidates.
He didn’t give the Legislature better healthcare insurance than their constituents.
The Legislature did that.
He didn’t propose employers stop using healthcare as a benefit of employment.
In fact, that is why some people work.
I realize I’m rambling in the wee hours but the Healthcare Morass is easy to get stuck in.
A system so complicated and so emotionally charged,
A system we rely on to give us Health and Life.
A system of Incrementalism.
A battle of Legislative Priorities.
Lobbyists from Pharma and Healthcare systems compete to buy the lawmakers drinks 🍷
I sit here typing letters to my legislators and get a generic “Thanks for sharing “ email back.
You may not want to hear my theories about Gadolinium, a rare earth toxic metal used for better MRI pictures.
In fact, no one wants to talk about it.
Isn’t that part of the problem when the USA FDA , Food and Drug Administration can get thousands of patient reports of ill effects of Gadolinium while big Corporations like Bayer, GE, Make bazillions pushing this toxic metal?
The source Of Gadolinium is China, where God only knows how it is mined and refined.
Nobody is listening  as I sing like a canary, “Gad is Bad”.
Meanwhile consider your municipal drinking water supply probably contains Gadolinium,
Source? The  urinary tracts of  MRI Patients.
The Theme of this Healthcare Quagmire is Money and Profits
Disregarding Humans and True Science.
Stay tuned.
Healthcare “reform” is coming.
It’s a bitter pill.”

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