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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Gems in the Day

Sunday, I got lost in the world of preparing for taxes,

a whole afternoon gone,

fortunately cold and windy, sunny late February,

I threw open the curtains for some radiant heat

and sat there, filing papers,

punching you tube,

surfing the videos of musicians here and some are gone.

So I meandered to the Grateful Dead after seeing Bobby Weir's video with Levon et al.

Hmm, where first?

I had not searched before for the Dead and held my old memories,

the 1970's.

My number one favorite song is Box of Rain

So I heard it once and again.

Then Youtube teases you with ideas.

I saw the band interviewed about American Beauty,

my number one favorite album.

It was as special as the song and with a new layer of understanding.

I skipped around more, Etta James, Janis Joplin, The Carter family.

They all went well with organizing for yearly US and state taxes,

(where is my tea?) rote organization of meaningless paper

and I thought computers was supposed to get rid of all this?

My computer is unable to sort my papers, or tell me what is important, what is missing?

Still it is the conduit for the gems in the day like Box of Rain and Phil Lesh paying tribute to his father

with his memories that led to this perfect song.

They lead to memories of concerts past, lost friends,

The taxes, a burdensome ache,

softer with some decent music.

1 comment:

  1. once i went to university to become an accountant. later me hands got hold of a camera. lately i was able to start to sell a few images. i do give tax papers to an office for years now already. please have you all a good wednesday.


Feel free to leave comments. Have a great day in the Universe!