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Saturday, August 14, 2010

Qik Post

Sunny Day Qik Post

No time for extra vowels.

Weeds are fighting 24 hours a day to ensure their comrades death to be avenged.
Weeds live to breed and carry on so future stronger generations will persevere to destroy your will to go on and keep weeding.
I aim to fight back and not be all surprised when a few weeds, noble tall and proud, carry on.
I will respect them as fellow warriors on the world and be content when I next meet their kin.

from a carolyn wonderland song and i am sorry if i can't tell you the name of the song. i know some of the words. "I'll give you a heart like a feather, with your eyes open wide, I will flow like a river to the oceanside, I will quiver like a candle at your bedside late at night...I will wake up all the angels underneath this Milky Light."

That is the song going through my head in battle with weeds today.
Wild West of Monkton, Vermont, Mary Gerdt


  1. It must not be too hot up there for you to be out in the garden pulling weeds. :-)

  2. Thanks for stopping by, Judy. It was in the 70's. Still hot but overall pretty nice but I weeded in shifts and cooled off with ice water in between.


Feel free to leave comments. Have a great day in the Universe!