Friday, May 23, 2014

Friday Night Musik...Woodstock edition

Friday Nacht Musik

Woodstock edition

Virgil Caine
Golden Eagle

There was no question that
Levon Helm has been on our minds all week.
His second Birthday party since his departure from the material plane is on Saturday.

Am reminded of past posts I did about the ramble,
Mississippi River Festival....(Levon mentioned in the book),
Cahokia Mounds...The Great city in what is now Greater St. Louis area-Illinois/Missouri,
They all came together today for me.
Thinking again how when Cahokia was excavated in the 1960-70's,
Levon's music was ripening into what we still listen to today.
Is it a coincidence? 

Then thinking how we saw him right before Irene
in Woodstock, Vermont

I thought about how many times we saw Levon, how many posts I have done.
We revere the man.
He has been so special to so many.

I love this one...

Next is a song from a must have album:
buy merchandise at

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