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Thursday, October 20, 2011



October rains are falling,
dark and cold,
soaking through to the bone.

October colors,
rust and red,
yellow, gold, brown,
and still some remnants of

October when you eat more,
sleep more,
see the long low rays
of the cooler sun.

And the cold air tumbles down
from the North,
blustery changes
from brilliant sunshine
to stormy day,
played in grey tones,
fading to black

October a month
over a bowl of soup or stew,
and a slice of
comforts sought after
a hard won harvest.

The gateway to winter,
October gives us
both the first
last tastes of fall,
every year
this time.

[the earth in orbit around the sun
has a position which is October,
correct? Every time October
rolls around, are we in the same place?
or has the solar system as a whole
moved? talked to dad about changes.
he said the world is always changing.
ain't it the truth.mary]


  1. My daughter and I loved October - Halloween was also my Dad's birthday. Anyway, I love all the changing colors and surprising temperatures.

    Happy Fall!

  2. Thanks Sherry for stopping by and reminding me of fall memories with parents, at home, apple picking w/Mom and your family memories you can hold tight as long as you can. have a great fall day!
    went to levon's barn, will blog later. just got home. This is music you would have felt...still feel it today.mary


Feel free to leave comments. Have a great day in the Universe!