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Thursday, December 27, 2012


Snow coming

6-15 inches

predicted in the VT/NY Champlain Valley
maybe more in the mountains
depending on where in the Northeastern US you are.
So the Ski industry is salivating, the plow truck drivers are resting up,
we are taking what comes and rolling with it as much as we can.

Christmas was nice and quiet,
quieter without Mom on the phone,
recapping where everyone was and what they were doing.
Every Christmas forever was connected with Mom somehow,
We actually trimmed the tree before
so I could tell her on our Sunday call.

When we visited once,
Mom told me, "I hope you are taking notes!"
It surprised me, said with almost a threatening tone.
She was always so tolerant of circumstance gone south,
plans gone awry, expectations failed.
Now I realize she was a victim of institutionalization,
even my ultra tolerant Mom. Even the strong but quiet woman
who bore 7 children without a whine or a wimper.
Reminding me we have to completely revamp our eldercare before the baby boomers need it.
Oh wait, too late.

First step,
At Adult day programs, call it the "Club", serve faux drinks,
replace all the Glenn Miller with Steve Miller and
look at truly multigenerational centers.
Next step. Do you know it is up to each of us to create the milieu that meets the needs of our individual community? I like the idea of a virtual adult day,
we could attend from home and avoid the bumpy upland travel.

Finally, thought I would post a storm photo from 2010.



  1. What joy. Over here last two days were upper 60s. Miss home. Please have you all a good Friday.

  2. I liked that pic. It is relevant today. We got over 16 inches. Beautiful. Thankfully Fred did the shoveling today. Have a great weekend.mary


Feel free to leave comments. Have a great day in the Universe!