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Sunday, July 6, 2014

Summer Present #fracking

summer present.

no, not a gift type present,
well, sort of a gift,
when i didn't even expect crumbs.

aki soga wrote a piece in the burlington free press
that went around the stop the pipeline group.

it was refreshing reading a bit of 
wondering if it is all really worth it.

one sentence stuck in my craw,
where my judgement lies.

it goes like this 
"Vermont would benefit from increased access to natural gas — an energy alternative that over time has proven to be less costly and cleaner than
many conventional alternatives.
Yet anyone behind a project on such a scale as extending natural gas pipeline from Chittenden County to Rutland should be ready to handle
controversy." aki soga burlington free press 7.6.14

When I learned to read it was and is very difficult for me. I had to learn to skim and not so easy.
Many words are added for fluff,
filler, looks right, justifies ads, learned that way.
To me, the three words I highlighted negate all the other words.

How have we become a state that would benefit from another f#ing fossil (dinosaur bones) fuel?
How is Aki Soga qualified to state this?
Reference please!

Also his reference to radical protests is laughable....knit in, bike chain.

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