Sunday, January 31, 2010

Lake Champlain January 31

We have travelled more on Lake Champlain this winter than ever before but not as much as some people have.
Since the bridge first rusted out officially (as opposed to informally but obvious to common uneducated people) and was closed then blown up, many poor commuters and us commuter shoppers had to go the longer ways across the Shoreham ferry and then the Charlotte Essex ferry which is a wider more choppy crossing. The new ferry by the now old bridge site is almost open, delayed a day or so by the plunging subzero biting temperature.
We took one last trip on the Charlotte ferry before RT ticket will cost 25$ again. A lot of us hearty shoppers travel one direction or the other to catch the bargains, nomads like 400 years ago when early visitors looked for the best blamkets in the least hostile territory.
We saw some ducks swimming in the frigid water by the ferry dock. Wonder what they eat and how they can tolerate such cold.
The lake was pretty calm and frozen solid in the bays. Ice fisherman were out by Bulwagga Bay.
We caught some deals and got some sun and one of the last free ferry trips at that crossing.
Bon Voyage

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