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Friday, August 10, 2012



How to find the words I need to say
what I need to make


a photo,
a thousand words.

We went over to New York to shop for bargain & best food,
nomads for good sweet corn.
We stopped @ Drinkwine Produce stand on Rt 9N
 Fred got a dozen ears
and some beautiful big black plums.
I think Mom would have said that they should be
Italian Prune Plums
for perfect
Plum Dumplings

After we stopped, we got a call about Mom &
her deepening decline in status,
her inability to connect w/me,
The ton of bricks I can still feel
makes it hard to breathe,
 I knew now,
that each of us
felt it.

So I was happy when Fred bought the plums.
I made a half way attempt at making dumplings
It did not matter, it was the thought that mattered
and there were 7 plums.

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