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Friday, June 1, 2012

Interview with a Clone, Chapter 12

Interview with a Clone

Chapter 12

By Mary E Gerdt

All rights reserved 2012

“The Clone Tapes,” Alice looked again at the paper.

It seemed to have significance, profound even, at one point,

Right before falling asleep, when Alice was

Weak, tired, over-tired, overwhelmed.

Now…nothingness. A blank. No answer, a void, a vacuum, zero.

Alice felt nothing about herself again. If she were a normally conceived child,

Would she be thinking, “The Normal Tapes?” Would life seem so foreign to her,

If Alice was like everyone else?

[At first Alice’s story was to be written in the first person: I, me, how I feel, as Alice.

I started to write this story for the past 30 years or so, the real I, me. Not the unknown fortune teller lady, she is fictional. I am the person she refers to annoyingly. I am someone who gets in her way. It is hard to explain. Now Alice is a she and someone else, not me. I found it hard to say me all the time. It is easier to embrace Alice. Patting yourself or being kind to yourself is harder. Maybe you did not wonder about such details, well, some people do, like me. It is getting harder to keep track of these characters, islands, labs, motivations, is so and so mad at someone else? Is a dead person popping up in the wrong place? I am not professing to be some sort of massive novelist. The unknown fortune teller lady doesn’t even tell us her name, Dr Susan Wolf died without fanfare, Alice is famous and no one knows her. History will likely get some facts wrong. Real life cloning is likely to be more out there than this story. I am writing this story to 1. See if a serial blogger novel is possible, 2. Be successful at getting a few readers hooked, 3. Maybe be the first amateur serial blogger novelist,  so doubtful to ever do anything truly original, 4. Leave a legacy . A message of who I am, some of my stories,

Photos of things that have meaning to me, causes, music. I think how I wish I could see Grandma Fanny’s diary. Those simple black and white photos are so devoid of information.]

**It would take many years before Alice would decide to do some autobiographical tapes using interviews with Gigi Fairweather, broadcasting from Mars. She called them, The Clone Tapes.

Gigi was stranded on Mars for what felt like an eternity. She was a grounded pilot forced to be a cheerleader for the cause, keeping the peace, the food rationing, using survival tactics from her military training until the colonists were rescued and returned to Earth.

Alice began the tapes with the first interview with Gigi (chapter 1).

It would be some time before Alice would call Gigi again, to continue the interviews, records of Alice’s life history and the continuation of the “Clone Tapes”.

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