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Monday, July 19, 2021

CPAP Channel from a Land Down Under

Great Channel!

My Comments:

 Excellent Reenactment of an actual phone call to the help line 😍 

About Resmed. Yup, they’re Good. Wish I had never seen a Phillips machine.

Resmed worked better for me. About Recall-shoddy, shady and DME Providers Evasive. Thought I could live without CPAP. 

Recalled device? After 13 months paid by USA Medicare, I owned it. I threw it away. I do not want something that might cause me harm.Talked to Doctor. Have lost 40 pounds. Turns out I’m not doing ok. So I called DME provider who gave me a hard time and told me to call Phillips. That’s when the conversation became unpleasant. I called Medicare and she said My DME provider Has to offer a Replacement (they have a Resmed 10 on their retail side-about $700). The DME person had said Medicare would deny because 5 year rule. I have Blue Cross supplement and the woman there is working it out. How many more like me? Millions. Res med is looking awfully good. Thanks for heads up on error codes. Believe me when I say that’s their Liability coverage and probably satisfies a regulatory requirement. If someone’s CPAP was too old and broke down, a lawyer and regulators would be on them. Why is Phillips not suffering? Doing More? Problem is, off CPAP, my brain really is unhappy. I’m concerned about others. Thank you πŸ™πŸΌ 

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