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Saturday, July 31, 2021

#Caturday 🐈

 Just got a LightX app for editing photos. 

Did a few of Baby. She’s growing up. 9 months.

Looking for a new name.

Enjoy the Weekend People, If You are Free.

Friday, July 30, 2021

Friday Night Musik

 This week another favorite 😎

Three Versions from YouTube.

First by Lloyd Price, the Author also 🎙 

Second, Little Sammy Davis with Levon Helm Band 🥁 

Third, Hugh Laurie with his delightful version 🎹 

My sketch ✍🏼 

Thursday, July 29, 2021

First For a Reason

 In the USA 🇺🇸 the Founders wrote

The First Amendment.

It is First for a Reason.

It is the Most Important Right,

The Right to Free Speech 🎤 

Senator Dr. Rand Paul explained the Problem 

With Shutting down Speech, or 

Arbitrarily Choosing Research based on the results You want the Public to hear.


 40 Years ago

Sometimes feels like Yesterday.

Today I am posting both a Modern Neurologists look at 

Medical Cannabis and my thoughts afterwards.

From Dr. Beaber’ s YouTube Channel

My Comments:

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

#Chocolate Glorious Chocolate 🍫

 Today was the day. Chocolate Making.

Well, nobody Makes Chocolate, it is Harvested by Cocoa Farmers 🙏🏼

Then made into Cocoa Paste, Cocoa Butter and Cocoa.

Brain Food ❤️🍫

I bought the Ingredients and made some yesterday afternoon.


3 trays plus of chocolate poured on
Parchment Paper.
After it sets, 
I will break the flat tray chocolate into pieces
I used to use chocolate chip molds but hard to clean.

Monday, July 26, 2021

Sunday, July 25, 2021

CPAP Recall and The Unheard

 The first time I heard about Sleep Apnea was on ICU Rounds with Dr. Jason Kelly.

Nurses were invited to participate and we really did have a Great Relationship that, in turn,

Benefited our Patients.

Jason described Sleep Apnea Patients as “Pickwickian”. After the Charles Dickens character.

Below a perfect resource:

Eventually at some point I was diagnosed with Sleep Apnea.

I stop breathing while asleep.

So I was fitted with a Positive Pressure Breathing Device known as CPAP.

My Health, Sleep, Mood all improved..

That was Years ago.

Everything was settled,

Until Phillips Recalled their CPAP machines.

Pieces of foam can be breathed in by me.

Don’t use the machine the warning went out on social media weeks before my Sleep office knew.

 The silence of Media is an insult to  the Millions of Patients affected.

Millions of people without ability to replace an essential piece of equipment.

I got my new Res Med machine and last night I slept 7 blissful hours.

Before tonight, Before Restarting  CPAP 
My sleep never more than 5 hours.

Thursday, July 22, 2021

#Gadolinium Yeah, it’s toxic


Wednesday, July 21, 2021



Monday, July 19, 2021

CPAP Channel from a Land Down Under

Great Channel!

My Comments:

 Excellent Reenactment of an actual phone call to the help line 😍 

About Resmed. Yup, they’re Good. Wish I had never seen a Phillips machine.

Resmed worked better for me. About Recall-shoddy, shady and DME Providers Evasive. Thought I could live without CPAP. 

Recalled device? After 13 months paid by USA Medicare, I owned it. I threw it away. I do not want something that might cause me harm.Talked to Doctor. Have lost 40 pounds. Turns out I’m not doing ok. So I called DME provider who gave me a hard time and told me to call Phillips. That’s when the conversation became unpleasant. I called Medicare and she said My DME provider Has to offer a Replacement (they have a Resmed 10 on their retail side-about $700). The DME person had said Medicare would deny because 5 year rule. I have Blue Cross supplement and the woman there is working it out. How many more like me? Millions. Res med is looking awfully good. Thanks for heads up on error codes. Believe me when I say that’s their Liability coverage and probably satisfies a regulatory requirement. If someone’s CPAP was too old and broke down, a lawyer and regulators would be on them. Why is Phillips not suffering? Doing More? Problem is, off CPAP, my brain really is unhappy. I’m concerned about others. Thank you 🙏🏼 

Thursday, July 15, 2021

I’m Late ⏰

 How many times have been late, lately?

I’m late posting to my Blog Haven and I’ll blame it on an outdated chip in our 

Satellite thingey 😯

Here’s a photo I had to wait until the Sun was shining on her…

Happy Thursday 😎

Sunday, July 11, 2021

The Night They Drove old Dixie down

 Was dog tired yesterday after a decent day that included hugs from family we had not seen since Christmas.

Posted the first video (below) and this morning listening, it was not the right one. 

Had some civil disagreements about Robert E Lee’s Statues.

Reminding others of the atrocities forced on civilians and emancipated blacks during Sherman’s brutal March.

Wanted even one news outlet to show Richmond Photos of the Night They Drove Old Dixie Down 😢 

Wanted more photos of the Defilement allowed of this Statue.

If you want to right something you feel is wrong, is this how?

Spray Paint? CFC’s??


Richmond Destroyed along with Mills that fed and clothed the people.

Posted this at 5;30 am edst 

Listened this morning and realized the second tune is The Weight.

Correction is above ⬆️⬆️⬆️ 

Listen to all 3

For the Love of Levon ❤️😎🥁

Saturday, July 10, 2021

Difference Between Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous System | Compare the Difference Between Similar Terms

Difference Between Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous System | Compare the Difference Between Similar Terms: The key difference between sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system is that the sympathetic nervous system is responsible for controlling the body's

Happy Birthday Mom in Heaven 
I think you would enjoy this subject:
Understanding the Nervous Systems 
Trying to find Balance .

Above: excellent article and these illustrations;

Was really interested since Multiple Sclerosis causes imbalances in our nervous systems that we often try to medicate our way out of.
I’m using Apollo Neuroscience wrist band to help modulate my 2 systems: sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.

Friday, July 9, 2021

Friday Night Musik and a Little Art Talk


USA was in the Great Depression.

Music and Art were Therapy for the masses.

Duke Ellington was in the Top of the Charts.

Miriam McKinnie and a group of artists in the 

St. Louis area started the Sainte Genevieve Art Guild

Miriam McKinnie is an artist I wish I had known. She lived and had a Studio in 

Edwardsville, Illinois, the Town I grew up in. 

She painted Mother Goose Story scenes on the walls of the children’s book section of the Public Library after a fire burned part of the library and destroyed several works of hers.

My Aunt Marge had a collection of Miriam’s artwork. War scenes. Great Art.

Her hallway like a museum. Marge wanted to see Miriam established as a Significant Influential Woman Artist.

Fast forward to a trip to visit my parents, both deceased now.

I admired a picture Mom had called “Dead Tree”

Mom hated it .

Her friends Dorothy and Sissy had a Farm. 

One day Miriam asked to draw a Tree on their Farm.

Dorothy and Sissy agreed, thinking of the beautiful majestic trees they had.

Miriam drew the Dead Tree.

Dorothy and Sissy were quite disappointed and gave it to Mom.

When I admired it so, Mom asked if I wanted it.

I was really excited. Yes!

It hung on our walls many years.

I researched Miriam McKinnie and grew to admire her Style and Talent.

As I’ve been aging, I think about what would be a good home for Dead Tree/

I finally decided on Edwardsville Public Library.

They didn’t have room!

So I did more research and found an artist group she was a part of, indeed 

Miriam was one of the Founders.

I wrote them to see if they would take care of Dead Tree, restore her, promise to always have her on display except when necessary for maintenance and never sell her.

They were thrilled with open arms.They agreed to my terms.

They sent me this letter 

Dead Tree

By Miriam McKinnie 

Sainte Genevieve Art Guild Started around 1933

What was playing on the Record Player in 1933

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Terpene Thursday #TeachYourselfTerpenes

 Curt Robbins is a Terpene Expert. Here is His Tweet 🐣 with a link to his library of articles. I became more interested after trying Delta 8 and Delta 10 Hemp products. Felt immediate relief from many aches and pains. I’m doing more research. Thank You Curt 🙏🏼😎🌻

***Please note Curt’s links below may not work soon…

If link doesn’t work, look him up😎

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Letter to Representatives Federal Law on Cannabis

 If you’ve spent any time here, you know how I feel about Cannabis.

The Federal Legislation proposed has my full support.

Normal sent me a link to contact my representatives and a form letter.

I added my 2 cents…

I am a 63 year old Woman with Multiple Sclerosis and other Health Problems. I have Pain, Sometimes Constant, That I call “Otherworldly” 

I have discovered the Best pain relief is good old Cannabis (Please don’t call it Marijuana, it’s proper name is Cannabis ).

It was legalized for Medical use in Vermont just before we moved. I thought Virginia had Medical Cannabis. The Ultra Micromanaging Legislation called for only low THC oil (consumed orally). I had to hire a Doctor because UVA doctors didn’t know how to certify me. Then found out the regulations were so prohibitive that there was none available. A bureaucrat I talked to said having the card afforded me a legal defense in case I possessed cannabis and got caught.

I’m a 63 year old woman. I don’t even drive anymore.

Virginia’s new law quasi legalizes cannabis to an arbitrary limit.

Complicated so business people will become the new dealers.

Users will learn to grow, fast, even though not botanically possible.

Medical Cannabis users like me cannot afford nor obtain ideal strains and forms, tincture, flower, gummies. Can’t cross state lines. Can’t get home delivery.

End all this now.

And scrutinize all these individual state regulations that drive costs up for people like me, on a fixed income and in pain.

I am writing as your constituent to ask that you support the forthcoming efforts of Senators Cory Booker, Ron Wyden, and Majority Leader Chuck Schumer to finalize and advance legislation to repeal the federal prohibition on marijuana and to eventually regulate cannabis commerce.  

In a joint statement released on February 1st, the Senators pronounced:  

“The War on Drugs has been a war on people—particularly people of color. Ending the federal marijuana prohibition is necessary to right the wrongs of this failed war and end decades of harm inflicted on communities of color across the country. But that alone is not enough. As states continue to legalize marijuana, we must also enact measures that will lift up people who were unfairly targeted in the War on Drugs.

“We are committed to working together to put forward and advance comprehensive cannabis reform legislation that will not only turn the page on this sad chapter in American history, but also undo the devastating consequences of these discriminatory policies. The Senate will make consideration of these reforms a priority.

"In the early part of this year, we will release a unified discussion draft on comprehensive reform to ensure restorative justice, protect public health and implement responsible taxes and regulations. Getting input from stakeholder groups will be an important part of developing this critical legislation.”

In the final days of the 116th Congress, House members historically voted to approve legislation (The MORE Act) that would have repealed federal marijuana prohibition. It is time now to build upon this momentum and advance similar language in the Upper Chamber

Public support for marijuana policy reform is at an all time high, with Gallup reporting a supermajority of Americans supporting its legalization, including outright majorities of Democratic, Independent, and Republican voters. 

Now is the time for your office to commit to supporting an end to the failed and cruel policy of marijuana prohibition. 

Monday, July 5, 2021


 Another Week, Another YouTube, Another Choice.

The Ordinary Office 

Alone Together 

My contribution to Yesterday’s’ service 

I held Mom’s hand tightly as we walked a block to the First Presbyterian Church in Edwardsville, Illinois.
It was about 1965.
I was 6. 
I was always up for a new adventure,
Beyond the schoolyard we walked past.
Beyond the House we lived in. Parents and 7 siblings.
Sam was just born.
We were in the Peak of the Baby Boom.
No Technology, No Bic Pens, No Email, Internet, Cable TV.
We could hear the Birds.

We walked past Mr. and Mrs. Kuethe’s House, 
My self adopted Grandparents.
She peered out the kitchen window,
Telltale curtain wave.
The other homes shades pulled,
Sunday morning.
Workers rested.

The Pews were hard
The message muddy
The music filled me
The walls endlessly fascinating
My poor neighbors scrimped to put money in the plate that went around.
What Price Redemption?
The Pastor Friendly
Shaking hands with Each of Us
It was a Safe Place

We did this every Sunday,
Mom never had anyone to go with her.
I was always up for Church.
One day She told me She“owed” the Church,
Thus began My Understanding.

Mom said when I was born,
Number 5,
Their Money wasn’t enough to pay the bills.
They lost their House,
The one Dad stick built,
A beautiful forest home
I don’t remember.

Mom said they moved into 
My Childhood Home
And The Church gave them
Food, Milk for the Baby…
And some other donations.
Mom owed them.
In her Stoic Proud Stubborn Swedish Bohemian Manner,
She Felt she owed them.

I was 13 and took Confirmation classes.
Thinking again of debts to the Church,
This religion thing was Uncomfortable.
I told Mom I wanted to quit.
She asked me to get confirmed first.
After some back and forth,
I consented.

Never again would I go into a building of Worship
Except for Weddings and Funerals.

Then I noticed Dave Lucas on Twitter
He described his Church without Walls.
I can sit comfortably in my home and tune in
As often as I like, share, chat with others on Twitter.
My Husband and I are alone out here, where we like the quiet and woods.
I never want to leave.
Together with 
The Ordinary Office 
I am participating in Worship and Prayer with likeminded people all over the World.
Alone by Choice 
Together by the Grace of God.