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Saturday, December 31, 2016

Travelogue for the Universe: Health Care reform of the Third Kind

New Years Eve,

Travelogue for the Universe: Health Care reform of the Third Kind: This is filed under my Health care file: Health Care Morass. That is not to say it is bad. This is actually a Sensible Good article!! M...

Friday, December 30, 2016

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Travelogue for the Universe: "When you go for end of life Counseling,

With Obamacare in flux,
An administrative tug of war,
War of tugs,
The Healthcare Morass.
Swirling whirling Dervishes,
Tumbleweeds of Confusion,
Blame Insurance
And patients
Sick, old, young,
Genetically unlucky,
Pain of living easier
Than the paperwork from Hell.
So yesterday,
In a fit of clarity,
I posted old articles I had done
Circa 2009
To present.
Will put up one at a time.
Hope you enjoy .

Travelogue for the Universe: "When you go for end of life Counseling,: Leave your walker or assistive device in the car," I heard on the Radio the other morning. So continues the debate. Here is my viewp...

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Monday, December 26, 2016

Monday Musik

Great music from  Teresa Williams and Larry Campbell 
Buy their album👍🌎🌍🎁
YouTube link...

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Merry Christmas 🎁🎄

Merry Christmas
Near and far
35 years ago I met Fred
Here we are.
Have a Wonderful day and New Year.

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Christmas Eve 2016

Christmas Eve 2016

Another Year,
Another Christmas 🎄
Batteries low,
Sunlight anemic,
A video on my mind...

Friday, December 23, 2016

Friday Night Musik


Friday before Christmas weekend 
Transiting a solar anomaly 
Posting a song.
Habitual Ritual 
So here is here again 

Yesterday "Blind Mary" played by Larry Campbell

Today one by Teresa Williams, husband Larry Campbell and Amy Helm 
One of my favorites.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Christmas Colors

Thank you, Doctor, for the head's up!

Monday, December 19, 2016

Richard Barone's Time Machine

Richard Barone Sorrows and Promises, press here for more about it.

Here I was, going through the tedious pile of mail,
The Post Office declared our Rural Free Delivery 📦 mailbox as undeliverable.
Our driveway inadequate for the postal worker to turn around.
Like a country western blues song, the mailman don't come around here much anymore.

The bright spot in between the geico ads and bills and useless catalogs,

Was Richard Barone's CD.
Sorrows and Promises.

A collection of musical pieces that found their beginnings in Greenwich Village New York,
This album takes you back to that place,
That song,
The feeling, when your song plays.

Please buy Richard's CD and Experience an interesting span of time,
A musical history, a masterful piece.
Here is one cut...

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Sparkling ✨ Snow ❄️

One of my favorites...meg

First, a little movie:

(Brrr, it's cold out there)

Sparkling Snow

Sparkling Snow

First appeared:

Monday, December 12, 2011

Sparkling Snow

Sparkling Snow
Sparkling Snow**all rights reserved

by mary gerdt

It happened today,

when I thought some great thoughts,

that peace would come


all hunger would stop

and the sick would rejoice when their pain went away

and the lonely will find a friend and the sad will smile.

It happened.

The snow sparkled like never before.

Is that a start?

Seemed like a good day to post my favorite sparkling snow poem.
We had a blustery afternoon and minor drifts
Much worse south of here.

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Feel free to leave comments. Have a great day in the Universe!

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Another Year

another year
Another Year
Snow on trees like icing
Beautiful bright winter

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Nod to the Astronauts and Vermont Maple Syrup

Our news comes from radio, various internet links and local channels over Air.
Oh, sometimes seems like there's no good news.
Really enjoyed WCAX Cat did a story about Vermont maple syrup going to the
International Space  Station.

Fall Maples and More

Sap buckets in spring 

Sap. Fred had me drink some,
Spring Tonic

Monday, December 12, 2016

Radio Logic

Radio my companion since I was ten.
My first radio a hand me down 
White Bakelite
AM only

Wednesday, December 7, 2016



Winter's night, 
Longer every day,
For a  few more weeks.

****BRAKING, ERR, BREAKING #Fracking #Gaz Update Call to Action to curb Fraction, err, #Fracking


Let me assure you, friends, this is a chance to put a chink in the armored, omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent,
Out of touch,
Old administration fragments of old deals.

my sincere appreciation of Melanie cannot be put into words...

Hi Everyone!

On Thursday and Friday December 8th and 9th (and possibly on the 12th, 13th, and 14th), the Public Service Board will be taking testimony regarding VGS's rates and also regarding VGS's alternative regulation plan. These two dockets will affect how rates are calculated for different kinds of customers, what return on equity VGS is allowed to receive (the way that the company profits from its infrastructure investments and makes money in general) AND how much of the total cost of the pipeline VGS will be allowed to recover from customers.  This last bit is really important because VGS and DPS kept saying during the second remand proceedings that the approval of the Project was a completely different question from whether customers could be charged for it or the ANGP costs could be recovered from ratepayers! They said those issues would have to addressed in VGS's rate case. WELL, THE RATE CASE and VGS'S FINANCIAL RECKONING HAVE FINALLY ARRIVED! 

If you have time, please attend one or more of the upcoming technical hearings to make sure that Public Service Board knows that we are still paying attention, and we don't think that VGS should get a penny from Vermonters for any unjustified expenditures to build an ill-conceived and mismanaged project. 

WHEN:  December 8th, 9th, 12th, 13th, and 14th (the last day or two could be cancelled if they get through all of the testimony earlier) - starting at 9:30 AM and likely running throughout the day until 4:30 p.m. or thereafter. The actual schedule will probably be discussed on the first day. I will send out an update that evening. 

WHERE:  The hearings will be in Montpelier. Most will take place in the Pavilion Building, but one day of hearings will be at the PSB in the People's Bank Building.

12/8: The Pavilion Auditorium, Pavilion Building, 109 State Street. Enter through the side entrance on Governor Davis Avenue.  Photo ID required!

12/9: The Pavilion Auditorium, Pavilion Building, 109 State Street. Enter through the side entrance on Governor Davis Avenue.  Photo ID required!

12/12: Vermont Public Service Board, Susan M. Hudson Hearing Room, Third Floor, People's United Bank Building, 112 State Street, Montpelier, Vermont

12/13: The Pavilion Auditorium, Pavilion Building, 109 State Street. Enter through the side entrance on Governor Davis Avenue.  Photo ID required!

12/14: The Pavilion Auditorium, Pavilion Building, 109 State Street. Enter through the side entrance on Governor Davis Avenue.  Photo ID required!



The MOU that VGS and DPS signed to save the project from cancellation late last year put a cap on how much VGS could recover from customers with a couple of exceptions like costs associated with protests or vandalism and costs associated with "delayed access to the ROW." HOWEVER, VGS is still obligated to prove that its expenditures were prudent, that they are "known and measurable" and that customers will actually benefit directly from the infrastructure. In addition to the ANGP, VGS is seeking to include the Phase VII looping project and over 40 smaller capital projects or system upgrades in rates.

DPS's cost assessment and rate expert originally said that the PSB would be justified in denying ALL of VGS's approximately $168 million costs for capital projects because of imprudent decisions (mostly stemming from poor project management), poor record keeping, and the company's inability to prove that the costs could be measured accurately, including when the projects would actually go into service. Finally, he questioned whether some infrastructure upgrades would actually benefit customers this coming year or at all. The big takeaway from his testimony is that there are several instances in which VGS didn't provide ANY reliable supporting documentation for hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars of expenses, but because the projects themselves either are necessary for the functioning of VGS's system or a total denial of recovery of costs would be a financial hardship for VGS, he still recommends allows the entire or nearly the entire cost. 

HOWEVER, despite the fact that he could have recommended disallowing all costs, he actually only recommended disallowing ONLY $35 million of over $168 million in proposed cost recovery (including the $134 million under the ANGP rate cap MOU) and another $34 million for the Phase VII looping and other projects! In the past, when this same consultant has recommended disallowing some costs, the PSB has ultimately decided to disallow even less than recommended! THE PSB NEEDS TO KNOW THAT PEOPLE ARE PAYING ATTENTION! 

The Board held a public hearing on the rate case in Colchester this past summer before all of the information was made available to the public and before the Department of Public Service's accounting expert made his final evaluation and recommendations, which can be found here: (the most interesting parts related to the ANGP are from pages 7-72; it's double spaced with really narrow margins so it's shorter than it seems). IF YOU CAN'T ATTEND A HEARING YOU CAN STILL SEND COMMENTS TO THE PUBLIC SERVICE BOARD AT: Just remember that this case is about whether VGS customers should have to pay for the pipeline. Whether the project was a good idea in the first place given climate change, environmental devastation, etc. isn't under review. This case will determine who pays for all of VGS's mismanagement and wasteful expenditures if this pipeline ever goes into service. 

It's also important that the PSB know whether VGS ratepayers are actually wiling to pay for imprudent expenditures and bills, for which VGS can't even produce invoices or receipts! So, if you have friends, who are ratepeysers, let them know that they can send their opinions and public comments to the PSB at:

Perhaps most importantly, at this stage of the game - considering the elections and the fact that a new administration will be coming in - Please help educate the public (and our new Governor and legislators) about this very complex topic - at least so that the average natural gas customer understands that he or she is being charged for pipeline construction costs that resulted from poor management or that haven't even been supported with receipts, estimates, or work orders!!!! LET THEM KNOW THAT THIS IS AN OUTRAGE AND PEOPLE WON'T STAND FOR VGS GETTING A BLANK CHECK TO SPEND RATEPAYERS' MONEY WITHOUT ACCOUNTABILITY. 

Maybe if VGS has to pay its own way for unnecessary, environmentally disastrous and obsolete fossil fuel infrastructure, pipeline expansion won't be quite so attractive. 

In the meantime, hopefully, the Geprags Park Protectors will stop the ANGP (and then all of the project's costs could be denied!).

“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.” Buddha

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Swamp Morning

A fine spring morning moment,

Looking across the lowlands,
The Swamp.
Our property, down there, a so called swamp lot,
10 acres of mystery.
I've never stepped foot on it,
But am proud we own it.

Each year, we pay taxes,
Each year we wonder,
What will become of this special place,
The Moors.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

The Machine

                          🔲  From   🔷 Cradle   🔵  To  🔷  Grave  🔲

The Machine

The Machine has cogs,
Gears turning, meshing, working,
From Cradle to Grave.

Thursday, December 1, 2016


Posting a link to an interview and article that Taylor Dobbs did.
The subject matter was why I voted for Donald Trump.
It has taken me some time to announce publicly that I voted with conservatives.
That my belief system is aligned with #PEOTUS
Taylor works for Vermont Public Radio.
I appreciate his thorough, thoughtful questions. Also how he summarized.
Have a Great day, no matter what you believe!

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

#Fracking new from Vermont

Guest post from MM,
Links to the Digger, Addison independent
Monopoly says... Give us our pipeline or else!


Citizen Environmental Advocates Challenging Monopoly Supreme Court

The Letter

The Letter

When I was about 5,
Just learning to write my first name,
I was also learning about 
The Post Office, where Dad worked.
A U.S. Mail box receptacle was up on Main St
In front of the city hall, police station 
and fire station,
Where the firemen let me sit and look at the funny papers from the Post-Dispatch.
We got the Globe-Democrat.
I was getting tall enough to reach the mail receptacle opening.
Tall enough to peek down the mysterious chute that secured the mail.
One day I assembled leaves and bits of yarn and other stuff, quite randomly.
I put them in a homemade envelope, made of construction paper.
I printed MARY on the envelope.
(The R may have been backwards)
I walked up to the mail receptacle on Main St
Quite naturally, as I had seen Mom mail letters,
I was mailing
a Letter,
To Myself.

Later, Dad came home.
Hard working guy.
A Postman.

He held up a familiar packet,
My Letter!

I knew that sound.
I was in trouble

Puzzled as I looked at my homemade letter.
The voice in my head...
How did he know it was me??!
So many Mary's then.

At the time, 
I think I was too upset at being caught,
To notice Dad was stifling a smile.

Monday, November 28, 2016

A Bitter Taste #Fracking updates from Vermont

It was a Trail of Bread crumbs,

The path from the
Steady, Stubborn, Staunch Supporter
of the
Gas Pipeline, originating in
Courtesy of Gaz Metro dba
Vermont Gas (Gaz?)
Trans-Addison County, Vermont
Of course, I mean
Governor Peter Shumlin.
Has he gone too far?
Promising our property rights away,
Without due process.
Obstruction in the first degree,
Refusing to accept anything but
Fracked gas from Canada,
That Monkton,Vermont voted to outlaw,
Before our Selectboard signed an mou with Gaz.
Shumlin regulated Vermont Yankee Nuclear plant
Out of existence,
His neighbors rejoice.
The pipeline through Addison County
And extension cord down Lake Champlain,
 his fix for power,
Ugly big noisy windmills,
Ugly huge solar panels robbing views,
Monopoly ownership of power+gas.
All powerful public service board.
Not apparent to ratepayers:
Vermont Gas and Green Mountain Power are owned
By Gaz Metro.
So they gave him an award,
The Canadians.
Our group let me know,
Their support of each other is priceless.
As follows:

Ah yes, by giving away Addison County for Gaz Metro's profits, and giving the company control of 80% of energy generation, transmission, and distribution in the state, Shumlin has clearly served Quebec well. I just wish he had served Vermont as well.

On Mon, Nov 28, 2016 at 11:59 AM, MM
I wish I could be there to boo him off the podium.

Wednesday, November 30
Governor Shumlin will travel to Quebec City to receive the Ordre national du Québec Award, which is given to “exceptional individuals who, through their achievements, values and ideals, have influenced Québec’s growth and contributed to its renown.”

Cyborg Monday

Cyborg Monday

We are Cyborgs,
Buying Stuff with Money,
Legions spending Allegiance,
To the God of Gold.

May I resist
The meager offerings,
The false bargains,
The Glittering Gold sucking plastics,
Next year's rummage sale items,
Merry Christmas,
You're broke.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Rerun....2010 Travelogue for the Universe: Just Us

reminded of this moment in time...meg

Travelogue for the Universe: Just Us: This is not to be judgemental only to explain the pain of lawyering and why I believe the justice system is flawed. I thank my forefathers t...

Friday, November 25, 2016

Friday Night Musik

Richard Barone 

Releases long anticipated album.
Enjoy some music history...


😎 Mom

It is the holidays,
The special days,
Mom seemed more loyal to.
Thought of her,
As the turkey roasted,
And I made potato bread.
Thought of
Dad, too, 
both are missed,
With me all day.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Gaz Updates...Give thanks for Irony

Spread the thanks to #Fracking Fighters

For Thanksgiving,
A story of sadness,
A young woman,
Now fighting for her life...
Thanks to Jason, for sharing...

On 11/23/2016 12:19 PM, Jason Kaye wrote:

As we head into the end of this week - a holiday for some, a time of reflection for many - let us remember the present moment.

"In Minneapolis, 21-year-old activist Sophia Wilansky is in critical condition and has been undergoing a series of surgeries, after reportedly being hit by a concussion grenade during the police attack against water protectors fighting the $3.8 billion Dakota Access pipeline in North Dakota Sunday night. Sunday’s attack at Standing Rock included police firing rubber bullets, mace canisters and water cannons in subfreezing temperatures. The Standing Rock Medic & Healer Council reports as many as 300 people were injured in the attack, with the injuries ranging from hypothermia to seizures, to loss of consciousness, to impaired vision as a result of being shot by a rubber bullet in the face. Water protectors say at least 26 people were evacuated from the area by ambulances and hospitalized. Sophia Wilansky was evacuated and airlifted to a Minneapolis hospital. After hours of surgery, she posted on Facebook early this morning that her arm has not been amputated, but she will not know for another week whether amputation might be required." - Democracy Now news coverage
Last June, Sophia was arrested in Williston for locking down to a Vermont Gas excavator. She took action alongside many of us that day, collectively disrupting construction at three sites along the route of the Vermont Gas pipeline.

As some of us head into this week reflecting on past violence and past struggles, remember that we have not moved "past" these struggles for justice. They are as real, as visceral, and as present as the air in your current breath.

As posted on Rising Tide's Facebook page, "Take these lessons to heart: Understand that ongoing colonization on this continent is inextricably connected to endless war, mass incarceration, and global poverty. Commit to staying in movement to dismantle these systems for the long haul, and keep fighting together."

Donate to the Oceti Sakowin camp in North Dakota:
Mail supplies to medics on the ground in North Dakota:
Donate to Sophia's medical fund:

Remember that the Vermont Gas pipeline is not yet built through Geprags Park in Hinesburg.

Most of all, hold all of this in your bodies - and take action.

With love,


Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Travelogue for the Universe: 50 Years ago today+3 years

Travelogue for the Universe: 50 Years ago today: I was 5 years old. Mom and Dad must have been at work. My kindergarten was 3 houses down from our house. Somehow I ended up with Mrs. K...

Twittersphere Widget

 my twittersphere
Had a widget,
Don't ask,
It's a blogger-Twitter bridge via communit thing...

Monday, November 21, 2016

My Blog


ℳϒ Blog

Or what I did 
After I couldn't work.

Well, actually I started blogging  before I stopped working.
There is a definite benefit to keeping a log, or blog or diary,
Whatever you call it,
However you express yourself,
It can reside there, at your IP address,
It can travel around the world, like a reverse National Geographic
It can diffuse anger, hatred, loathing,
Likewise it can look at the lighter side,
Record photos, in chronological order
Post favorite videos, some mine,
Experiments in social media.
Emphasis on Social.
Media- the medium between this world,
And other worlds,
You and me.

Artwork flowed out once my therapist said,
Get some paper-Bigger the better
and start drawing.
Mom said,
I hope you're taking notes.
I did.
Now Mom has moved on,
To her next adventure, no doubt.

I am here,
The daylight waning,
We got a new pellet stove.
The first one bought in 2005.
Oil, wood very expensive.
Corn didn't work well-long story.
Our new stove installed by Fred and Son.
In 11 years,
pellet stoves have come a long way.

This is a random sampling of old photos.
To go with this ambling blog post.
in the future,
like other posts I have done,
It may finally make sense.
Keep warm.
 healing art 1
Healing Art 2

 cars on route 66

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Travelogue for the Universe: We are one...rerun

Travelogue for the Universe: We are one: We are one Can there be a doubt? Can you figure out, How there could be A way besides We are one? And if there is No start or end ...

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Gaz #Fracking update

The pipeline fight update
This fight is Local...
Addison County Vermont

Vermont Digger put this article out...

My comments:
Voters of Monkton,Vermont said No to Fracking. To me it meant Globally! Selectboard, Governor Shumlin, Public Service Board let Canadian owned Vermont Gas start building BEFORE all the easements and right of way was fully established. Incremental, fragmented, poorly planned. Joke at State Government: easier to ask for forgiveness rather than permission. The pipeline is running perilously close to High Voltage power lines. Each pole/ power tower is Grounded. Nice work allowing Canadians monopolies-green mountain power+Vermont gas.

What a predicament! (Canadian owned) Vermont Gas has put All Current Vermont Gas customers on the hook for Millions. Overrun, poor planning, safety Carelessness, destruction of rare plants, disregard from swamp neighbors. These are just a few of the problems.

See article for rest of comments..


Watching For
Near dead creek

Wednesday, November 16, 2016



Pain, pain, blow away,
Get lost you badass,
Go astray.
Don't come back another day,
You're not welcome,

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Travelogue for the Universe: Common and not so common Heroes

Originally posted in 2011.
Still relevant today....
Re: Vermont Property taxes...still a heavy bill in November.meg

Travelogue for the Universe: Common and not so common Heroes: Heroes come in all sizes, shapes and colors Some Big some small Some pretty average guys just trying to do the right thing, not just f...

Monday, November 14, 2016

An (Un)Covered Bridge

A familiar bridge in our neighborhood
Is being rebuilt.
Today we visited for a look at the progress.
Will rely on images to tell the story.