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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Light and Dark

Light: Our Vet gave us a discount and we are beyond grateful.

Dark: thoughts for no reason:

Because people die even on sunny days,
words try to describe who they were,
abbreviated, exaggerated, underated, misinterpreted, inaccurate, or accurate, and all in juxtiposition to the truth, sometimes.

Words written in the obit page of people
I see there are no guest entries.
One man died in World War 2.
How could his friends keep track? How few survive now who even knew him?
Died 65 years before the internet connection
I am writing this on,
Lonely words,

Died without current relationships, friends, predeceased by all who loved them.
Memories if there are any alive stunted, arrested on a baby faced kid with
dreams in his eyes,
and no guest entries,
Let me.

Your lonely guest book told me your are with your friends and family clearly in a heaven surrounded by the Vermont mountains of 1945. Wooden skis, jalopy fun, music on the radio and lying on the parlor floor, dreaming of your future.


  1. my daughter died on a sunny day and it was the darkest day i ever saw. no orbit, i couldn't bear it. how to sum up her life in 1000 words? i declined.

    vets are special people. my vet gave me a discount too when my dog had to go and i am forever grateful. glad captain is okay. =)

  2. Thanks for stopping by and sharing hard truths. When I wrote that line about sunny days, I was thinking of you and a friend whose Dad died on a sunnny day. I did not know Nicole died on a sunny day but it would figure into the whole seemed like the wrong time, wrong place, worst thing that could happen to a mother. Your tributes to her a little at a time are felt around the world. I love her too and never knew her. Isn't that better than those damn stupid obits. I think vets are some of the nicest humans in the world. Captain says thanks for the well wishes. He is pretty proud about the discount. I blame it on his handsome demeanor.mary


Feel free to leave comments. Have a great day in the Universe!