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Friday, April 17, 2009

Uncle Willie

Uncle Willie was known to me only in a confidential relationship so I cannot say what we spoke about. Perhaps that adds to the secrecy and mystique of this German family with deep passions and silent cold stares. He was Fred's uncle who died a few weeks ago which we found out by accident, not direct notification.

More hints.

I can say he gave me permission to feel we did the right thing by giving up the barn and other dilapidated buildings thinking we might be committing some disrespectful act. Of course the buildings should go. Our brief highly enjoyable chat left me with seeing the man much more similar to my husband in personality, grit, independence, ingenuity, caring, charm and one of a kindness. The oldest man in the family.

We will miss that we were shut out of his life and wish him peace on his journey and the embrace forgiveness and love that heaven should bring.

The sheep barn disappeared as I looked at the calendar on April 3rd.

Willie died April 4th.

We saw a view likely not there when he was born, in this house, at the outset of world war 1. It is quite stunning. He was right. They should have got rid of that building a long time ago.

Auf Wiedersehen Willie.

Mary Gerdt

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