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Saturday, April 25, 2009

MS Walk Burlington Clear skies and Picnic for a hero

It is a beautiful perfect spring day in Vermont.
It poured rain last night which cleanses the pollen and gives the spring flowers, plants and trees a drink to carry on. It has been quite dry and allergy sufferers are suffering. The redwinged blackbirds are in full tweeter mode.
My step daughter is doing the MS Walk for which I am quite proud. She always raises money for research and supports programs.
I am thankful she will have a clear blue sky and fresh perfect 60 degree air.
Wish her luck!
My contributions have lapsed since we have been more miserly when I got denied disability insurance on our mortgage.
3 days after diagnosis, my parents and family did not even know yet.
I was have trouble verbalizing I have MS.
I went to our State of Vermont employee disability insurance and waited 1.5 hours to be told categorically No.
I said, Why don't you have a sign up front saying disabled need not apply.
And where is my disability?
I work and have a very mild case.
She said, My grandma lived to be in her 90's and had MS but we have rules.
Ironic cause and effect.
So my contribution is by participating in research.
I donate blood, side effects, extra clinic appointments, extra MRI's, and goofy tests.
I donate the fact that what I am taking may not be as good as what someone else takes, 'but one important point is
It is Free.
It is also sponsored through research funding at least in part by organizations like the National MS Society.
Thanks Janet.

Today is a Picnic for a hero, Captain Phillips who made it back in one piece and showed us again the gumption, persistence and strategic skills of Vermonters.
His philanthropic mission to deliver food to the pirate's families made it twice as heinous of a crime.

Thanks to Captain Phillips and family

1 comment:

  1. Mary,

    You do wonderful work in offering so much of yourself and information to research. We don't just need "the cure" but we need to know what is working and what is not in improving the lives of those living with MS. Very important research.

    Also, thank you so much for your kind note. It touches my heart and made me smile (big).

    BTW, Sean looks exactly like my little Pippin. Black and sleek and in charge of the world. hehe. Cats are wonderful companions.


Feel free to leave comments. Have a great day in the Universe!