A great blog to follow on Multiple Sclerosis.
This one enticed me to comment
My comments on Multiple Sclerosis and the Big Picture
A rambling train of thoughts about the universe and our micro solar system consisting of our dear Sun and other planets in a magnetic dance while we hurtle through space on the face of a rock and stare at flat screens where we attempt to connect while we detach.
As a patient, and former neurological nurse in the 1980’s, Before all these drugs,
I appreciate having any one of them. They are all better that the way it used to be, The Dwindling Steady Dive into Nothingness. Now at least I am Less Disabled by Fatigue, Pain, And an Aging body.
But Multiple Sclerosis has so many more layers than keeping me going with a daily shot costing $60-80 Thousand Dollars a year. I want more than the pat on the back I can do the Ten Peg test or the 25 foot dash. A Psychologist referral Nobody calls me back to schedule. The PT/OT exercise pamphlets sitting on my dresser, the Pain I cannot treat with THC because I don’t live in the right state, the secret Hell my husband sees but no one else does. The pile of paperwork I have to fill out to say I can’t, I can’t, I can’t. The neurologist says, You’re doing pretty well. My insistence that Gadolinium contrast, injected over and over, accumulated in every cell in my body and I only get skeptical glances (don’t groan, please). The MRI’s that look like Swiss Cheese And Doctor says, You’re doing pretty well. I say all this because I want the Big Quality of Life Study. The Big Risk/Cost vs. outcome analysis. The Long Term Study, Lifetime, even. My Total history, bad habits and all. I want My chart of My Daily Life, My Husband’s Too, to be analyzed so My Neuro Team can See, in a snapshot, anytime, more than my easily said “i’m fine” in my 6 month clinic visits. I want more for all the young people who don’t understand how or why take DMT’s, or that their struggles may or may not be blamed on the MonSter I know so intimately, from being a Caregiver and being cared for. I hope this makes sense.