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Thursday, August 9, 2018


Misty Memories 

Dad 4.1.15

It has been 2 weeks since my last entry in the unofficial Monkton Chronicles. No news is good news? Sorry, not always.
How long has Dad been gone? I don't know. It's like it's not real sometimes
Dad would tell me, a nurse, he was Hell bent on dying. Was it just me? or was I one of a chosen few he told. Him and Mom (rest in peace) and I were always pretty straight with each other. I could not react to his death wishes. Well, except to recount in my mind all the people I had as patients who wanted to passively lay down and die. All the fighters. He was 92 1/2. Proving true, ironically for him, that what does not kill you makes you stronger. His ending was beautiful with the caregivers I could not be to him. My heart always with him. One day, as the parents moved to more and more assisted living, he pulled a grade school photo of me out of his wallet. For many years he carried it. It's little things like that that show a bond that transcends life itself. He is home with Mom now.

April was not going to be about Dad and yet here I am happy the Chronicles today are not about snarky people, greedy bullies, or plain old morons. Hope spring comes soon or we will miss it! meg

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