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Sunday, February 4, 2018


As always your comments are appreciated.  I agree that the roads are somewhat out of date on the maps included with the UPD but the maps are showing zoning districts and important resource and wildlife habitat areas.  When the maps are redone as part of the new Town Plan, which the Planning Commission is currently working on,  I will make sure that the underlying transportation map is updated.



On 1/18/2018 9:55 AM, wrote:
Originally sent in 2013...

I am posting my comments on a proposed town plan for Monkton, Vermont. 
comments are due tomorrow. i did this at the last possible minute. it is overwhelming to comment, believing my comments will fall and blow away like the leaves. m.e.g.

I, Mary E. Gerdt, Monkton town landowner am commenting on the proposed town plan.
I found the 200 or so pages of the proposed town plan a bit too much to wade through.
There is a lot of subjective data like the flowery descriptions of a farm utopia turned bedroom community.
Neither seems accurate or relevant.
Each person who owns property has control over their property within the confines of rules and laws.
When the town uses a document to project a concept they impose on a landowner, a value, an image, it should not be in such subjective tones.
We do not need any more rules in Monkton, Vermont.
It is hard enough to develop lots. Please do not think about downzoning our property.
We already are taxed on best use.
Please correct cemetery Road on the map. The end was thrown up. I grow tired of asking for this. You should also add Norris's extension heading West.
Finally, in spite of all the work that went into this plan, I see little that I could support in a vote.
Every subjective sentence creates a slippery slope for landowners.
Please respond that you received this.,
Mary E. Gerdt

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