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Monday, February 26, 2018

Monday #DA1 #ImagoDei

Another Day
Not much different 
Than Yesterday.

One Day Drifts
Asking Me

Disability can be a Curse,
I Would if I Could,
But I can’t,
So I Don’t.

Friends I’ll never meet,
Gather and Tweet,
Day and Night,
Their Night Sometimes My Day,
And Vice Versa.

Sometimes I Wonder
What day is it?
I must answer,
Is it Monday?

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Travelogue for the Universe: Visualizing.Rerun, for the Coffee Klatch #DA1 bonus..a Favorite ..Friday Nacht Musik

Travelogue for the Universe: Visualizing...Friday Nacht Musik: an unexpected hurdle when I am posting visual posts this week, Fridays are for musik, of my favorite ASL music interprete...

Views at the Dispensary

Since Vermont Legalized Use  of Cannabis ,
Now for Recreational Use also,
The Dispensary as we know it,
Is likely to change.
As will the $50 annual fee for being a patient in pain.
Thought I’d share these observations....

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Friday, February 23, 2018

Friday Night Musik

A very special selection 
Thx Darrell and Thx to Friends Near And Far 
For being here.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Travelogue for the Universe: Serendipity

Travelogue for the Universe: Serendipity: Serendipity Sometimes you cannot see the wisdom of the universe, How it works in mysterious ways, Leading you here or there, just in time ...

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Rerun...Travelogue for the Universe: Spirograph Nebula

Travelogue for the Universe: Spirograph Nebula: Source: i begged mom for a spirograph for christmas, never believing in santa, i saw how mom had to work every day t...

Monday, February 19, 2018

Travelogue for the Universe: Transparency

Travelogue for the Universe: Transparency: Transparency I   was looking for the invisible transparent thing, Harder to see than a needle in a haystack, It was like looking for a...

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Rerun 😎 Travelogue for the Universe: Pivots

Travelogue for the Universe: Pivots: Fort Ticonderoga, View to the south. by Mary E. Gerdt 2007 all rights reserved Pivots Places that our lives pivoted on but may not know...

Friday, February 16, 2018

Friday Night Musik

A Special Friday Night Musik...

From Beth Hart...

New Music 😎🎸🆒🎤🌺

Preorder her new 🎶!

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Travelogue for the Universe: ❤️ Day and Fake News

Rerun from last year 
Happy Valentine’s Day ❤️

Travelogue for the Universe: ❤️ Day and Fake News: Happy Valentines Day That's no fake day, It's  February 14th And my chocolates already gone. Fake News  Is in the ...

Valentine’s Day 🎸❤️🎤New Music 🎶

Great new music from Wily Bo Waker...
Just in time for
St. Valentine’s Day ❤️😎🆒🎶

Monday, February 12, 2018

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Healthcare Reform Not for the Faint of Heart ❤️

Healthcare Reform 
Has a nice ring to it
Lost to Payment Reformers 
Cloaked as Single Payer Proponents 
Only the Lawmakers Don’t Have the Same Rules.
This Room,
The Medical Examination Room,
Needs an update.

This room should be where you report to after the front desk verifies your identity.
Then you, the patient get a log in.
You proceed to download your recent health status,
In your words, answering questions,
Tailored to Your Unique Bio-Print,
Your illnesses, strengths, challenges,
Meds, reactions, Benefits, costs, stressors.
Family/support people have their sections.
You’re not sitting in the waiting room looking at people sicker than you
    Just a few thoughts...meg

Friday, February 9, 2018

Friday Night Musik

From YouTube 
Music 🎶 
Serenading the Moonlight 
Thinking of Dad’s...

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Fossil Fuel Infrastructure Bill Vermont

We don’t need Canadian Power Monopoly,
We don’t need giant extensions of Electricity and Gas Through our towns.
We don’t need to have Canadian Gaz Metro claim farmland and rare sensitive environmental areas.
Stop this and watch the price of natural gas in Canada.
Mary Gerdt 

****sent via email to my 4 Representatives in Addison County Vermont 

Gaz Update ...Trans Vermont Pipeline ...Action On #fracking

please pick up the phone ☎️
Write a letter
A memo 📝
To your representatives...
Subject: No New Fossil Fuel Infrastructure Bill Introduced in the Vermont Legislature
No New Fossil Fuel Infrastructure Bill Comes to the Vermont Legislature!

Here's some unexpected but exciting and important good news
for everyone concerned about climate change, climate justice and preventing the construction of any more fracked gas pipelines in Vermont.

Rep. Mary Sullivan of Burlington has introduced HR- 0746
A bill to prohibit the construction of fossil fuel infrastructure in Vermont 
While this bill is focused primarily on banning construction of any new fracked gas pipelines in Vermont, it strongly prohibits all new fossil fuel infrastructure:  coal, oil and gas. You can read the full text of the bill here:  bill language, H.746. The bill has been sent to the House Energy and Technology Committee. 

This Friday at 11AM till Noon at the State House 

The Committee will hear Mary Sullivan and others introduce this critically important ground-breaking legislation. Within the next month the Committee will have to act to move this bill out of committee or it will die. Therefore, it is vital that as many people as possible be there at 11AM this Friday for this first hearing. 

It is also important that as many people as possible --you, and all your friends and neighbors-- write or call the members of the House Energy and Technology Committee to urge them to support HR.746. The attachment includes their contact information. It is also important that you write or call your own local representatives and urge them to support the No New Fossil Fuel Infrastructure bill. You can find their contact information here:

It will take serious and intensive action between now and the beginning of March to get this vital bill before the whole legislature. It's up to you and everyone you know to begin that work now!

Contact the Committee Members and your Representatives today!

For more information you can write to us at

The Starman Drives off into Outer Space

Monday, February 5, 2018

The Poultice That doesn’t Heal

Dear Ms. Gerdt:

Thank you for contacting me about your property taxes in Monkton.  I appreciate hearing from you on this important issue.

As a United States Senator, I am not involved in the State of Vermont's tax process.  However, I would strongly encourage you to contact the Vermont Secretary of State's Office which can provide you with information about the laws of local municipalities and options that may be available to you.  You can find contact information and services that they provide on their website at  Additionally, I would advise you to contact the Vermont Department of Taxes and speak with Mark Paulsen who oversees state property tax assessors.  He can be reached at 802-828-5870 or you may visit their website at

I hope you find this information useful.  Best of lucking resolving this matter.  Please keep in touch.

Deep Cuts

I received no response from Senator Leahy about this email (below).
The Monkton selectboard seems disinterested in my concerns.
Still I feel I must ask again to see how we were notified re: 10/13/2009 tax sale of our property (was it both properties?) and what were you going to sell?
Can you settle my mind and tell me my 14th amendment rights were not violated, outside of suing you all to get this information.
You must at least send me the info I asked for: how I was noticed or documented attempts, etc.
Also the minutes where my property was discussed-at any public meeting.
I am willing to pay for copies.
And please address what I feel is an unfair delinquent tax policy.
At least give people a couple of years. Other towns never sell the property.
Do not use an attorney with a conflict and charge us $1000 for his work anyway.
That is a burden no other delinquent for 9 months tax payer has had since 2004 policy was started.
Times are tough all the time in this town it seems.
You were so eager to sell in October that year, another first.
But I never heard about your annual November tax sale this year.
Our poor neighbor it seems had to ask about when the next sale would be.
This for another property owned several generations
Your minutes are missing.
Please respond.
Mary Gerdt

Sent: 12/22/2010 5:27:06 P.M. Eastern Standard Time
Subj: Re: From Senator Patrick Leahy
Thanks for your response.
I have raised these issues both locally and statewide at the VT tax department, Governor, Secretary of State. No one will help me.
That is why I ask you, Senator, how I can defend my constitutional rights for free, not $10,000 for a lawyer who rightfully says it is iffy going against city hall.
My 14th amendment rights were violated.
The town says I did not have a right to notice when my property's tax lien was about to be sold to the highest bidder. The Town of Monkton thought my husband should tell me. That I am furniture. Call me et al.
I believe in part the town acted to try to take property for Raven Ridge which you helped fund and which we never were notified about in any way. The Secretary of State said we could sue whoever did the preserve. Why would we do that? Why don't people just act per the rules?
I do not like finding out our property was on an ecological priority list.
I do not like this system where people just figure they can take what you have.
So if you are not where I should go to defend my constitutional right to my property,
then perhaps you could tell me which senator might be interested. Claire Ayer never returned my email.
This topic, it seems is not very popular.
Thanks you for your time.
As a Vermont citizen, you might want to review your town's tax sale policy and consider the implications if everyone that was 9 months late had their property sold without their notice.
My office in AHS deals with economic benefits for the poor. None had heard of tax lien sales after only 9 months.
I will never stop my quest to bring light to this unfair, arbitrary,asset robbing process.
Thanks for your time. Happy Holidays.

Reruns... Travelogue for the Universe: #1

Travelogue for the Universe: #1: 11.19.2009 letter the addison independent Hello, My name is Mary Gerdt. I read your paper regularly online. I did however hear ...

Sunday, February 4, 2018


As always your comments are appreciated.  I agree that the roads are somewhat out of date on the maps included with the UPD but the maps are showing zoning districts and important resource and wildlife habitat areas.  When the maps are redone as part of the new Town Plan, which the Planning Commission is currently working on,  I will make sure that the underlying transportation map is updated.



On 1/18/2018 9:55 AM, wrote:
Originally sent in 2013...

I am posting my comments on a proposed town plan for Monkton, Vermont. 
comments are due tomorrow. i did this at the last possible minute. it is overwhelming to comment, believing my comments will fall and blow away like the leaves. m.e.g.

I, Mary E. Gerdt, Monkton town landowner am commenting on the proposed town plan.
I found the 200 or so pages of the proposed town plan a bit too much to wade through.
There is a lot of subjective data like the flowery descriptions of a farm utopia turned bedroom community.
Neither seems accurate or relevant.
Each person who owns property has control over their property within the confines of rules and laws.
When the town uses a document to project a concept they impose on a landowner, a value, an image, it should not be in such subjective tones.
We do not need any more rules in Monkton, Vermont.
It is hard enough to develop lots. Please do not think about downzoning our property.
We already are taxed on best use.
Please correct cemetery Road on the map. The end was thrown up. I grow tired of asking for this. You should also add Norris's extension heading West.
Finally, in spite of all the work that went into this plan, I see little that I could support in a vote.
Every subjective sentence creates a slippery slope for landowners.
Please respond that you received this.,
Mary E. Gerdt

#SunDay 🌞

Sunlight and Shadows 
Dancing on the Sparkling Snow
Clouds Start rolling in


Friday, February 2, 2018

Thursday, February 1, 2018

From Best of #Instagram Wednesday...

Guy Gilchrist Instagram Message 

Cartoon Hieroglyphics
A Moment to Smile 
Since I was Little  

In the season of the witch