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Saturday, June 11, 2016

Was this comment censored by the local press?

We passed the pipeline builders,

Busy up and down our hilly valley,
Pipeline, pipeline,
Pieces here and there looks like everywhere.
My latest comment is still pending.
I will bet it never is accepted.
While some asshole who calls himself "Say What?"
Tells me to love Vermont or leave it.

My pending comment:

Editorial: GOP’s Turner sends anti-business message by politicizing S.230

Mary Gerdt
I wish Governor Shumlin cared as much about Addison County views as his home where he protested nuclear: 
Mr. Lyn favors big business pushing big solar, big wind and a Pipeline to nowhere. This threatens aesthetics, ignoring financial impacts of allowing monopoly power, unrestricted ugliness called solar farms, and the inhumane vibrations of large wind turbines, interrupting those idyllic Green Mountain views. I support Don Turner. And I expect negative comments from some of your readers. You have set the stage that you dislike Republicans. I don't care. I support Don Turner and Property Rights.

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