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Sunday, November 30, 2014

Unlocking the Mysteries of MS Relapses

For Sunday,
a little education from MS World...
I liked this video for it's thoroughness
and simplicity.

Have a Great week!

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Blogging Forward...Guest post: Wheelchair Kamikaze: iConquerMS – Your Chance to Help Bloody the Beast

Wheelchair Kamikaze: iConquerMS – Your Chance to Help Bloody the Beast: Okay, my fellow MSers, are you sick of sitting on the sidelines like powerless spectators observing a do or die contest that will determin...

PAUL ON THE RUN: Paul McCartney Twitter Q&A Transcript

PAUL ON THE RUN: Paul McCartney Twitter Q&A Transcript: Paul McCartney Twitter Q&A Transcript By Jorie Gracen Macca Report News Monday October 20, 2014 Paul McCartney ...

Credit: The Macca Report...
Thank you!

my notes: I saw on twitter Sir Paul was answering questions
i was appropriately elated when he tweeted me back
i also enjoyed the other questions
the transcript above is a biography...

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Thanksgiving USA

Thanksgiving USA

We give Thanks for our Food, Water, Shelter,
Our place on this Earth,
A Strange Day to Celebrate.
Pilgrims, Turkeys, and Gourds.

Early on I never questioned
The Holiday of Westward Expansion.
My family immigrating late 1800's,
The Pilgrims well established,
Their diseases had been dispersed.

The True Native Americans,
had separated into tribes.
Divided, and half conquered,
Then diseased, hungry, crowded.

We will enjoy turkey, stuffing, squash
Pumpking pie and mincemeat.
Potatoes and gravy,
Then repeat.

Reminding us of a year that had up's and downs,
Like all other years,
Some smiles, some frowns,
Some aches, pains and joys,

Give Thanks,
We have food, shelter, water

Give Thanks
Someone in need,
Someone who hurts.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Thanksgiving's Eve U.S.

Thanksgiving's Eve

Have you ever heard such a thing?
The day before Thursday,
In the U.S.A.

I heard it on the radio,
it worried me some
I'd never heard of the Eve,
seemed kinda dumb.

Must be a Gimmick, a Mistake, a Ruse,
All's I know, it was givin' me the blues,
Another whole day
To fret over, to clean,
To cook for, to shop for,
Disasters unseen.

No give us a break,
Keep it at one day,
Today I'll be napping,
What more can I say?

forecast: snowy...

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Gaz Recap...What I can stand of it...#fracking

Been Awhile since I could even open another #fracking email...

Oh yes, that is how a war is. 
Canadian power Giant using local moniker VT Gas,
threatening to "Condemn" property for their stupid pipeline plan
(I know using stupid has no scientific or proper use, but it's how I feel, Thanksgiving week,
>$6k lighter thanks to higher than should be vt property taxes
yeah, thanks.
Oh, I will get out some sort of point here,
I am putting up links my comrades post or I find.

Start with links to the digger:
Sandra Levine is with the Conservation Law Foundation

Maeve McBride:

Assorted links regarding acquittal of the naughty boys:

Hoping for Eminent domain reform:

that's all I can handle today...

Saturday, November 22, 2014

They paved paradise and put up a parking lot...

so i had a little fun...

Friday, November 21, 2014

A Whiter Shade Of Pale - Moonalice (2009)

2 more great videos from yt
I think I have posted all these 3 before,
good music does that to you,

Macseal - A Thousand Miles (Vanessa Carlton Cover)

Once again,
Friday night music.
This week changing the schedule a bit,
Repeating this fun video...
More music to follow...

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

A Morning

A Morning

Like No Other,
Golden, Red, Shining Brightly,
Father Sun Slyly
Slipping under the clouds,
For just a moment,
Waiting for me to fumble with the techno-gadgets,
And there,
Waiting for me,
A Morning
Like No Other.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Low Light

Spear St. in South Burlington
Overlook Park.

Once was a place
Where no one stayed long,
The wind always blew,
Pause and look,
Then you're gone.

When I moved here
Traffic lighter,
I would go in to work,
for an all nighter,
I would gaze briefly
at the lake and the View.

Then one house went up
and another it seems,
Some broke the rules,
But no matter,
They are seen,

Now when you look off to the west,
You have to see rooftops,
Gables, Gazebos
and the Rest.

They put a park up
for viewing,
Edit out all but the best.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Coloring Book

Coloring Book

for adults
no, not teenage mutated turtles,
nor square bottomed spongiform creatures named Bob,
nor Barbie's and Skipper and Ken and their material objects and skimpy body coverings.

I will start with the first image to make it to picasa...
(tried to fix it but too many competing priorities.)

a simple luna moth


Sunday, November 16, 2014

Blogging Forward...guest post...#fracking Yes Vermont Yankee: Energy and the Vermont Election

Thanks Meredith for your always clear analysis...
No Vermont has not elected a Governor yet
No, the Press would rather you not worry your pretty little head over it,
they like shumlin

Yes Vermont Yankee: Energy and the Vermont Election: Recently, I was asked my opinion about how the Vermont election results would (or would not ) change Vermont Energy policy. I wrote a leng...

Winter's Gate

We stood at Winter's Gate
No turning back,
A Chill to the Bone

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Thursday Gaz Info Round up

Here it is,
Another week of fighting the big gaz corp
one word at a time.

Lately pipeline fatigue can be overwhelming,
by design,
I am Weary of the updates,
Hoping our merry band of fighters
can stop the pipeline.

Most of the articles I tweet and delete.
Here are a few gems for this week:

From the Digger
an ouch for incumbent governor:
(election results still pending)

From Virginia where they are experiencing pushy pipeliners...

From my neighborhood
Where nice people are caught in a process
Where their money is burned
By Lawyers Asserting They own Nothing,
or Everything.

The judge won't care how much the poor landowners just had to cough up for taxes,
fuel, food and the necessary lawyer.

The Landowners, Vermonters,
Many with longevity here,
Have to fight
Canadian Fracking Gaz company
Calling themselves Vermont Gas
and professing fuel savings of gaz,
while telling ratepayers north of the border,
increases on the way.

From the digger:

One more video of the protest...

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Physician Suicide Challenge

It has to be said...
Thank you Dr. Wible...

Veteran's Day (USA)

Veteran's Day

In the USA

Thinking about Dad today,
My brothers,
In laws,
my forefathers, foremothers,
all victims of war.

They tried to run, tried to hide, tried to make nice.
Humans go to War.
Can we evolve beyond that?

When you hear of war for good
or betterment of people,
be suspicious.
Someone is being bettered,
monetarily, or power wise.
If another is bettered, say freed,
Is it sometimes an unintended positive outcome?

When War is over,
Do the victim survivors still hear the bombs?
Smell the Fire?
Feel the Mind Numbing pain
of seeing your best friend
beside you?
Yet another Whole in body,
returning with a fractured mind.

I am Thanking the Veteran's, Men and Women alike,
and those who kept the home fires burning.

3 links from yt...

First a video I found searching for the next 2...

Next a very special version
by Mr. Levon Helm
The Midnight Ramble Band...
"if you laugh in the rain,
you cry in the sun..."

a Very special version by Mr. Sean Costello & others

Sunday, November 9, 2014

The magic button — Make Everything OK

The magic button — Make Everything OK

For Sunday,
More Cold on the way,
seeping in from the north.

Does the Magic Button have the Capacity
to Make Everything OK?

Well Try it...
It cannot hurt...

Friday, November 7, 2014

Richard Barone - I'll Be Your Mirror (Lou Reed Tribute)

Searching again,
For Cafe Society,
Richard Barone was there again,
Doing a Tribute to Lou Reed.

I have posted before
And it is worthy of another go around.

Richard is facilitating a kind of Virtual Cafe Society...
Check him out...

Thursday, November 6, 2014

I Voted...

Sometimes just the right tweet comes over the wire...

Yeah, I Voted...Live Long and Prosper!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014



Can Promises be kept?
Made in a desperate moment,
Vote for me,
No, me,
Vote no,
Just vote.

At 10 pm Est,
As the TV switched 2 covering national races,
Vermont's governor race was
Too close to call.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Nik Wallenda and The Ultimate High Wire Live tweets from Chi Town

from the tribune staff:

another on twitter:

from channel 2

one more from the feed...

Sunday, November 2, 2014

A New Frontier for Fracking: Drilling Near the Arctic Circle by Ed Struzik: Yale Environment 360

A New Frontier for Fracking: Drilling Near the Arctic Circle by Ed Struzik: Yale Environment 360

Starting over with gaz updates...
I actually had to delete a bunch of updates I got.
Brain Overload.
I tweeted the most significant articles like the statehouse protest.
I commented on a few.
So because I am a mere amateur scribe,
If there are omissions,
Blame my fatigue.

November has brought blustery cloudy gloomy weather.
Been saving this post as an update...
Cannot fight every battle,
Can shine a light
Can hope it makes the Earth brighter..


Saturday, November 1, 2014

Reality Bites

last night, the local tv station did a piece about Peter Miller, famous photographer.
they referenced a letter to the editor Peter wrote which took me no time to find once I knew what to look for.
Click the link and take a gander at what all the fuss is about.
Reality Bites,
Like the cold winter winds.