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Thursday, March 4, 2010

I wondered

I wondered, if I whispered,
would anybody hear?
If I said a tiny prayer,

underneath my breath,

would that erase the fears?

If I started low and tiny, would it ever sound a roar?

If I started with a single note,

Would a symphony explode?

I wondered if the cries of lonely, lost and souls astray,

Are they ever heard by someone
Or something

Or does it merely die away?


  1. Who are we? Who are we in relationship? What are we capable of? These are profound questions you pose in this beautiful poem.

  2. Thanks for the thoughts and comments. When I was a little girl, the 5th of seven kids, I would whisper first and eventually talk outloud to join in the competitive conversations our family had.This will mean something different to whoever reads it. We all have a little voice trying to get out.Mary


Feel free to leave comments. Have a great day in the Universe!