A rambling train of thoughts about the universe and our micro solar system consisting of our dear Sun and other planets in a magnetic dance while we hurtle through space on the face of a rock and stare at flat screens where we attempt to connect while we detach.
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Sunday, January 31, 2021
Saturday, January 30, 2021
Friday, January 29, 2021
Thursday, January 28, 2021
This Week, Throwing back to Year 2008, The Year I got more serious about blogging,
Me, age 49, I’d been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis.
We lived in Vermont, beautiful Idyllic countryside.
That was also the Year Town Fathers put my Farm up for sale for $10,000 taxes 9 months late,
And only notified my Husband Co Owner, 4th generation on Farm.
We made it through all that and are Grateful we are in a better place.
Relive 2008 with me. M
Wednesday, January 27, 2021
Tuesday, January 26, 2021
Then and Long Ago
Monday, January 25, 2021
Sunday, January 24, 2021
Virtual Church
Sunday Service ⛪️
The Ordinary Office is always open, Worldwide 🌎
For Virtual Contactless Prayer and Devotion 🙏🏼
Drop by anytime 👩💻
Special Thanks to Dave and Family And His Faithful Friend
Retired Guide Dog Jarvis
The Sunday service https://t.co/ii38hfHjVp
— The Ordinary Office (@Ord_Off) January 23, 2021
Join me for night prayer, I was so busy working on tomorrows service I forgot to post evening prayer. So pray night prayer with me now and dedicate it to the work on Tomorrow's service which is nearly ready and I will post soon. https://t.co/BdzElpkCyw pic.twitter.com/7qWRI8dwnK
— The Ordinary Office (@Ord_Off) January 23, 2021
Saturday, January 23, 2021
Friday, January 22, 2021
Thursday, January 21, 2021
Travelogue for the Universe: A Lazy Woman's Thread #TBT
Wednesday, January 20, 2021
Tuesday, January 19, 2021
Mike Lindell presents his discovery of foreign interference in the USA 🇺🇸 Presidential Election 🗳
15 seconds
15 seconds
Monday, January 18, 2021
Sunday, January 17, 2021
Visualization of a Super Metal
#Gadolinium #MRIContrast #MRI
— Gadolinium Contrast (@Gadolinium_MRI) January 16, 2021
Super-Paramagnetic, Super-Conductive, Magnetocaloric, Anomalous, Super-Tube Maker
Gadolinium does what it does BEST,
Constructs GAD-TUBES! https://t.co/ajmGshJFrf
Saturday, January 16, 2021
Friday, January 15, 2021
Friday Night Musik Gideon’s Mob
Carnival of The Gods https://t.co/zLobxiZtqE via @YouTube @MobGideons 🙏🏼😎 Stellar! 🎸 pic.twitter.com/M4UjpLdytD
— Mary Gerdt Parler:Alvarita1 (@marygerdt) January 14, 2021
Thursday, January 14, 2021
Travelogue for the Universe: Parler Went Dark rerun Social Media Winter Brrr 🥶
Next thing I knew, Simon Peakes was being Cancelled by YouTube
Parler still dark 1.14.21Twitter Political Contributions At
Open Secrets
Wednesday, January 13, 2021
💪”Intra-articular (IA) injection of diluted [#gadolinium-based contrast agent] is a commonly employed practice to improve visualization of the cartilage, joint space, and soft tissues during [magnetic resonance] arthrography.” https://t.co/Im6yyTz825
— B. Wagner, M.D. (@Wagner_Nephro) January 12, 2021
Was hoping if I couldn’t get you interested in rare earth elements
The human slavery and environmental devastation might shake you up 🆙
Really sinister treatment human slaves digging #gadolinium for MRI dye purported to be Safe and other #rareearthmetals used in Solar panels and more. Leaving pollution over there 🇨🇳 https://t.co/gHoYt4Ifax+ https://t.co/aLkC5I4Rm1
— Mary Gerdt Parler:Alvarita1 (@marygerdt) January 12, 2021
Tuesday, January 12, 2021
Travelogue for the Universe: 50 Years ago plus a few
Monday, January 11, 2021
Parler Went Dark
The 60’s generation I envied so much. Your freedom, self expression, music, drugs, rock and roll.The generation born with parents who lived through the Depression, the Wars, 1 and 2. Did people just forget 1? Once 2 came along?Then Vietnam. My tears when David left. I was 9. Every night Walter came on and gave the death count. Was David one?I sobbed with the neighbor Mrs. Kuethe, and Mr. my adopted grandparents when Kennedy was assassinated, gunned down in his prime. That was a pivot point. I shared his speech again https://www.jfklibrary.org/asset-viewer/archives/JFKWHA/1962/JFKWHA-077-002/JFKWHA-077-002I cried again.Mom typed letters about ddt, and many causes. She and Dad expected us to be Democrats. I was.Over the years realistically I haven’t seen major differences between Rep‘s and Dem’s. Both make speeches, raise money with strings...Both tell truths and white lies and lies. Everyone does. Not every lie is catastrophic. Some are.Mom tested me over the phone. Who are you voting for? It was hard to hide but I lied. Clinton was the last Dem I voted for. I became part of the silent majority.When we wanted to separate our part of the farm, we had a 5 year court battle that nearly killed me and Fred. We fought for our piece and eventually settled. The townspeople were divided. Some hated us with a visceral hate, it went out of court,back and forth, you know the quagmire of Hell.A few years later the town put our piece up for auction for paying $8,000 property taxes 9 months late. They only told Fred. They put a notice in the paper. They used our old lawyer from the 80’s to proceed. They wanted a swamp lot we had for part of Raven Ridge preserve. They didn’t simply ask. I found out when I saw my TSA had $10,000 missing... 8k plus 2 k penalties. I screamed at Fred. He finally told me he paid the taxes the day of the sale. If he hadn’t, the bank would have foreclosed and we could not have dug out of that.My name is second on the deed. It cost me a lot of Money and 5 years to get that. I was mad at Fred at first. Then realized I am an Owner. They purposely did not notice me. I’m a woman.They violated my Constitutional rights. The town government was all progressives and liberals. Nobody fessed up. The newspaper was liberal led. They ignored my request to get a copy the auction ad that I never saw but all my Medicaid clients in the county saw.It was frankly embarrassing. Why?? I’ve blogged extensively about property taxes and town meeting and my experience with seeing bullies in the Democratic and Progressive parties only they have “a higher purpose “?I agree on so many aspects associated w Democrats.I also see the dark side on both.I worked in State government 8 years. It really is a machine. D or R.Incremental changes. Give and take. Right and left. Accelerator and brakes.Along comes Trump.I’m not going to go into a many of reasons I resonate with him.Obama and Hillary never talked to me. Trump did.Hilary called me from the basket of Deplorables. That sealed the deal.Newspapers with liberal bias help form public opinions. NYT, Washington Post et al have absolutely put out propaganda. Believe it or not.Trump upset the whole Apple cart.D and R were not getting the usual powers when their guys are in.He forged ahead.Cut taxes in middle class, eliminated some regulations which made it easier to succeed in businesses. Think of all the consultants who wouldn’t be hired to sort out complicated tax law and regulations?I don’t agree with fracking and have been vocal about it.Vermont Democrats allowed a Canadian pipeline to be put through Vermont sourced in Alberta. Peter Shumlin greased the wheels. I wrote a lot about that. It coincided with Nuclear power plant being forced to close. Solar Panels all the rage. I recently found out China mines most of Rare Earth elements for solar, using Uigher slaves and ruining the environment. China is a very bad actor.Trump went up against them.I have a Ukrainian friend whose Dad Nik Shmatko was a very talented sculptor/artist. Nik and I corresponded. Rafael his son told me about Hunter Biden taking $50,000 a month from Burisma and Joe encouraged violence against police when VP. Imperialist. They loved Trump like I did. He shook up the place. Nik had a prophetic vision that Trump would be in office 3 terms. Nik died this year from kidney failure. They wouldn’t even send an ambulance let alone a transplant. He made $60 a month government pension. He sculpted a beautiful bust of Melania and Donald. She is knock dead gorgeous. She’s been snubbed by every magazine, newspapers other women. She works constantly, especially with children and you never see it publicized. She speaks 7 languages and people say she’s lying. The whole family has been maligned, insulted and demonized by people some of whom don’t believe in God (that’s their choice but without God, there can be no demons) Yin and Yang ☯️The latest Vanity Fair ran a story about Ivanka and Jared Kushner that they would have to get the stink off and their friends were leaving them.Lies in print. They’re so used to that it doesn’t work.Jared helped broker Peace in the Middle East and won an award. Peace in Israel, even for a day is a miracle. He planted an Olive Tree with Netanyahu. It was not in the papers or news.About last Wednesday.Trump never said to go invade the Capital. He asked for them to be peaceful. When he denounced the violence his Twitter was suspended by Jack. You never saw it.There were about a million people at that protest. 75 million voted for Trump.A few really bad thugs went in a invaded the CapitalThe security was absurdly inadequate. They knew people were coming.Everyone inside the fence should have been rounded up and arrested. It didn’t happen. Cameras everywhere. A few arrests.None of the peaceful people outside the fence were acknowledged to be peaceful and believed the Election had irregularities and that no judge would listen to the Evidence, Pelosi McConnell both refused any evidence to be presented. You never saw the unconstitutional state rules changed without ratification as is required. Republican ballot watchers forced to stand far away. Then told to go home for sleep and counting proceeded. You never heard that.The media didn’t want you to hear the evidence.Yes he’s a brash rude blustery New York Businessman.He loves the USAHe spoke to us disillusioned by both parties.Libertarians like me.I was Denied my constitutional right to be notified when the town put my farm (in family 100 years) up for sale. Nobody even cared.A lawyer wisely told me it would cost more than $10k and the town would only get up on the stand and lie.Our experiences mold us.We Deplorables were heard for the first time.He talks to us until he got his voice removed, by the companies he threatened by wanted to reverse 230, liability protection for Twitter and Facebook in exchange for them not being an editor of content.Twitter began a purge Wednesday. Trump, his lawyers, conservative leaders. News people conservatives, regular people, even catturd lost thousands of followers at a time. People’s tweets were excised.It’s revenge on Trump. He’s a threat to them.That’s all for now.I’m glad you wrote.I have a hard time arguing out loud.We all need to come together.Impeachment is such a waste when work needs to get done.Sharing a cartoon from the Washington Post.They depicted Republicans by name as rats. Nobody said much, but me.Goebbels did the same tactics.Also the statues artistic marvels, history good and badSummarily destroyed.Businesses and neighborhoods like Soho, cities like Portland destroyed by BLM and others.Not a peep.Pelosi et all took a knee.Food for thought.
Sunday, January 10, 2021
Us and Them
Us and Them
The World is Round
So they Say
I’ve seen the Photos
By the Way.
I believe the Images
From Outer Space.
I met a Moonwalker
Such a Fine Face.
I saw a Divide
Between You and I.
We have a few Differences
That’s no Lie.
When Distance grows wider
In the Blink of an Eye,
Embrace our Differences
Before We Die.
The World is Round,
Hills and Valleys abound.
Are You the Hill or the Valley?
Are You Up or Down?
No matter if you’re Us or you’re Them,
The Two of Us Make a Planet
We’re Complete
We are Round 🌎
Saturday, January 9, 2021
Travelogue for the Universe: Psalm Challenge 91
Friday, January 8, 2021
Friday Night Musik
This week Carolyn Wonderland once again appears when I need to hear her sing it loud with no stops ❤️ 🙏🏼 😎 🎶 🎸 link from YouTube
Buy her Music! CarolynWonderland.com
Thursday, January 7, 2021
Researchers Wanted
I follow a great blog about Multiple Sclerosis
Recently the Doctor posted about Cannabis use and the unfortunate lack of Research,
Convincing Research.
Any Takers?
Article with comments...
Wednesday, January 6, 2021
Turning Point
A Turning Point
Today the 2 Main Political Parties in USA will have to resolve the Contentious Election 2020.
I write this post to reveal a little of my feelings about our President Trump
Only it’s hard to reveal my feelings.
Some of my Friends and Family hate him, I mean they HATE him
That doesn’t change my feelings.
I think He’s done a lot for the country.
Cut taxes, cut regulations, cut off China, facilitated public-private partnership operation warp speed
He never backed down from all the nasty people slinging rot at him
And he values his supporters, like Me.
A couple interviews I did
One before we moved in 2016
One this year
No matter what happens today, no matter who wins and who loses, it won’t change my beliefs.
Seeing Beautiful Graceful Melania Trump getting snubbed by fashion magazines and popular daytime shows and many Women berating her, gives me courage to be myself, openly Conservative and Free.
It was a Turning Point.
2016 I was interviewed by Taylor Dobbs
This year, My follow up interview with VPR
Tuesday, January 5, 2021
Consequences #Gadolinium
I think you know by now how I feel about Gadolinium, the Rare Earth Metal used to make MRI Contrast Dye. I keep searching for more evidence. If I am ineffective at stopping indiscriminate use of Gadolinium, at least maybe environmental advocates might wake up to the environmental destruction required to mine and refine these various metals, also used in solar panels.
Found this article this week. This affects everyone.
Monday, January 4, 2021
Rise of the Phoenix Blogging Forward
It started with an Image found on Twitter
It led to a search for Phoenix Rising
That led me to a Well Written Hopeful article
2021 a new beginning
👍🏼🙏🏼 #Auroraborealis #Helgason Excellent. Timely. Beautiful. Meaningful. https://t.co/zQiXIxm8LK 🎁
— Mary Gerdt Parler:Alvarita1 (@marygerdt) January 3, 2021
Sunday, January 3, 2021
Pain Is the other Vital Sign
The final frontier
Saturday, January 2, 2021
From the archives,
Tommy, aka Napoleon.
He was a great cat.
He died just as we were moving to Virginia.
We miss him still.