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Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Turning Point


A Turning Point 

Today the 2 Main Political Parties in USA will have to resolve the Contentious Election 2020.

I write this post to reveal a little of my feelings about our President Trump 

Only it’s hard to reveal my feelings.

Some of my Friends and Family hate him, I mean they HATE him

That doesn’t change my feelings.

I think He’s done a lot for the country. 

Cut taxes, cut regulations, cut off China, facilitated public-private partnership operation warp speed

He never backed down from all the nasty people slinging rot at him

And he values his supporters, like Me. 

A couple interviews I did

One before we moved in 2016

One this year

No matter what happens today, no matter who wins and who loses, it won’t change my beliefs.

Seeing Beautiful Graceful Melania Trump getting snubbed by fashion magazines and popular daytime shows and many Women berating her, gives me courage to be myself, openly Conservative and Free.

It was a Turning Point.

2016 I was interviewed by Taylor Dobbs

This year, My follow up interview with VPR

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