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Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Rerun: Travelogue for the Universe: Voting �� Elections Integrity Is 2 out of 3 Enough...

With Russian Interference being reported, I really want to know what they did? 

The vote in my old town in Vermont omitted my vote once, No, I’m Not Russian.

Rerun of that time below

Travelogue for the Universe: Voting �� Elections Integrity Is 2 out of 3 Enough...: Oh yes, I’m fired up. No, I’m not Russian Seriously This Voter conspiracy stuff is getting stuck in my craw... Looking for the letter I...

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Monday, July 29, 2019

A Letter

I wrote this one:

Dear Representatives,
I am a Retired Disabled Registered Nurse who suffers from Multiple Sclerosis which causes Extraordinary  Pain, Depression, Fatigue, And so much more. My husband and I moved to Virginia from Vermont due to Financial And Social Reasons. I am very happy I did. I am, however, unable to access Medical Cannabis and even the recently legalized oil in Virginia is neither available nor are my Doctors at UVA able to certify my need because the process for approval is so complicated. Apparently the UVA Neurologist And Primary Care Doctors Don’t Understand they have to be certified to say I have extraordinary pain from Multiple Sclerosis. Ironically, Washington DC Has Medical Cannabis available and legalized but only fro residents. Last fall I was swindled out of $500 Bitcoin on Twitter by a Twit who said he would mail me some. It was foolish I know but I have had such pain. After I paid, he blocked me. Twitter really didn’t care. I guess I learned let the buyer beware. I am still in pain. Piecing together CBD products which are partially effective. I consulted with Dr. Jordan Tishler, an expert on Cannabis and he asked if I could get to Colorado. I cannot. I hope you can change these laws which force me to either suffer or seek Opioids. It’s hard to explain how badly I hurt. Please help.

As your constituent, I am writing to urge your support for the Marijuana, Opportunity, Reinvestment, and Expungement (MORE) Act, which would remove marijuana from the Controlled Substances Act.

The ongoing prohibition of marijuana financially burdens taxpayers, encroaches upon civil liberties, engenders disrespect for the law, impedes legitimate scientific research into the plant's medicinal properties, and disproportionately impacts communities of color.

Never in modern history has there existed greater public support for ending the nation's nearly century-long experiment with marijuana prohibition. According to nationwide polling data done by Gallup in October 2018, 66% of US voters endorse regulating the adult-use of marijuana.

The Marijuana Opportunity, Reinvestment, and Expungement (MORE) Act is supported by voters and comports with the changing legal, cultural, and political status of marijuana and those who consume it responsibly.

If passed, this bill would decriminalize the substance at the federal level and enable states to set their own policies. The MORE Act would also allow the existing state-legal marijuana industry to no longer be barred from accessing financial services or standard tax treatment as every other legal business. Similarly, veterans will have better access to medical marijuana with VA doctors no longer risking federal prosecution for filling out state-legal medical recommendations.

Please sign on as a cosponsor of the MORE Act.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Sleep Schlafen

About Sleep 💤 

A great article, below...
My comments first:
Better get the obesity thing out first 😩
A pulmonologist I worked with called it “Pickwickian” Like Dickens’ Mr Pickwick.
He said even losing Ten Percent of your body weight can help.
I went for a sleep study and was prescribed a CPAP Machine. My excess snoring 😴 has improved.
My Dentist made a Bite guard because I was clenching my teeth.
I limit internet an hour before bed.
OT said nap is OK but not after 3 PM.
Tonic water, anti spasmodic meds baclofen and tizanidine at bedtime.
Have a sleep number bed at Fowler’s position-30 degrees.
A fan is a must.
We do heal when we sleep.
A few tips I have found helpful 😎

Article by a Great Neurologist:

Friday, July 26, 2019

Friday Night Musik

Posting 2 YouTube links. 

First YouTube:

First Hour: Lionel Nation Video on current events.

Second Hour: Mrs. Talking about her Mission to end Human Trafficking and Modern Day Slavery , sometimes in your neighborhood. Feel free to follow her on Twitter and Join the movement as she navigates her troubled waters and builds strategic alliances.


Now for a YouTube link from Suzanne Vega’s Channel to accompany the sad subject begging to be made better


Thursday, July 25, 2019

Rerun Travelogue for the Universe: Pool Hall

Travelogue for the Universe: Pool Hall: I have written about my Dad once before in this blog. Well actually I write about him more, but indirectly. I am half him, after all. We ...

This photo of the old Pool Hall posted on my hometown Facebook...

Mom did this painting of Main St.
Pool Hall is just to the left of the Jail Tree...

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The big picture

A great blog to follow on Multiple Sclerosis.

This one enticed me to comment 

My comments on Multiple Sclerosis and the Big Picture
Thanks for summarizing the current fee schedule for MS DMT meds in the USA and UK.
As a patient, and former neurological nurse in the 1980’s, Before all these drugs,
I appreciate having any one of them. They are all better that the way it used to be, The Dwindling Steady Dive into Nothingness. Now at least I am Less Disabled by Fatigue, Pain, And an Aging body.
But Multiple Sclerosis has so many more layers than keeping me going with a daily shot costing $60-80 Thousand Dollars a year. I want more than the pat on the back I can do the Ten Peg test or the 25 foot dash. A Psychologist referral Nobody calls me back to schedule. The PT/OT exercise pamphlets sitting on my dresser, the Pain I cannot treat with THC because I don’t live in the right state, the secret Hell my husband sees but no one else does. The pile of paperwork I have to fill out to say I can’t, I can’t, I can’t. The neurologist says, You’re doing pretty well. My insistence that Gadolinium contrast, injected over and over, accumulated in every cell in my body and I only get skeptical glances (don’t groan, please). The MRI’s that look like Swiss Cheese And Doctor says, You’re doing pretty well. I say all this because I want the Big Quality of Life Study. The Big Risk/Cost vs. outcome analysis. The Long Term Study, Lifetime, even. My Total history, bad habits and all. I want My chart of My Daily Life, My Husband’s Too, to be analyzed so My Neuro Team can See, in a snapshot, anytime, more than my easily said “i’m fine” in my 6 month clinic visits. I want more for all the young people who don’t understand how or why take DMT’s, or that their struggles may or may not be blamed on the MonSter I know so intimately, from being a Caregiver and being cared for. I hope this makes sense.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Monday, July 22, 2019

#Gadolinium Letters from a Friend

Word on Tweet Street 

Letter from a friend, compatriot who is well worth following...
🤚 Gadolinium 

Sunday, July 21, 2019


Meela is Settling in, and driving us crazy sometimes, 

Like teenage cats do. 

And We Love Her 

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Moon Walking

10 years ago I wrote this...

Time goes by faster, the longer you’re here, doesn’t it 🤔

Friday, July 19, 2019

Flashback Friday Night Musik

The little college town  I grew up in hosted a Music Festival unlike any other.
SIU Edwardsville was a new campus
Mississippi River Festival was host to many of the great bands, performers, symphonies of the day.
It’s been about 50 years ago that the Festival was humming.
Lawn seats $1

Jackson Browne recorded “Cocaine” at the Holiday Inn
His name came up on the Facebook memorial site of MRF, as we knew it,
Full of Lore and Legend
Someone noticed in this video, that Jackson Browne is wearing an MRF T shirt at about 2:39.
I missed it...entranced by the music 🎶 

Thursday, July 18, 2019


Summer in Vermont 

Can’t help but miss my favorite summer places

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Looking Up #Moon50

Looking Up

At the Moon

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Friday, July 12, 2019

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

#TBT Travelogue for the Universe: Glenn Hughes - You Keep On Moving

A Favorite Post
❤️ Glenn Hughes et al...

Travelogue for the Universe: Glenn Hughes - You Keep On Moving: Music Links Great! ...and link to another by Glenn Hughes

Meela in Motion

It’s Mom’s Birthday, R.I.P. Thinking about Her, Missing Her, Every Day ❤️

Meanwhile, our little rescue cat is really enjoying her ball 🌹

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Sunrise #Zentangle

Lesson 10


Practice pages below...
Never feels quite right until the last pen stroke...

Monday, July 8, 2019

Crossing Over

Sunday, July 7, 2019


Meela is settling in alternating with bursts of boundless energy.

A very special cat ❤️

Saturday, July 6, 2019

#Gadolinium reactions not so rare Patients Speak

Some Doctors willing to listen, see, Challenge 
Status Quo...

Friday, July 5, 2019

Meela and Friday Night Musik by Kat ❤️🌹

We thought we’d never have another cat after Tommy.
Yesterday we adopted beautiful Meela.
Life has changed for the better.

And just forgot Friday Night Musik...
Can’t forget this one

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Flashback ❤️

Independence Day 2019 

Here I am flashing back to bygone days
Thanks Darrell for starting my reminiscing 🙏🏼

Link from YouTube Jefferson Airplane Channel 
Looking for my album
Moved so many times, Place to place.
A Favorite.

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Live from Washington DC July 4th

Tune in!

Mama Deer

She was grazing in the back yard
Her two fawns were up on the hill
I didn’t click them, they moved too fast

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

What @Twitter Means to Me

Monday, July 1, 2019

Butterfly Morning 🦋 II

Can’t help but post more butterfly photos. 

Been so long since I’ve seen Tiger Swallowtails.