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Thursday, January 31, 2019


Cultured using Sous Vide immersion heat
110 degrees f overnight 
Cultures from The Cheese Maker in Wisconsin 
Wonderful results 

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Rerun... Travelogue for the Universe: the frowny face. :-(


Once again on my mind
The phony Pain Scale Just doesn’t cut it somedays.

Travelogue for the Universe: the frowny face. :-(: The frowny face made me smile, It was a tool for nurses to assess pain. Frown is pain, Frown plus tears worse,  smile means pain f...

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Winter Memories

Living In the South now
Hearing about winter weather in Vermont 
Winter Memories 

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Space in Between

Rerun with fresh eyes

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Friday, January 25, 2019

Friday Night Musik

It must be Friday...

Time for a Musik Link

Hope you enjoy as much as I did...
From YouTube 
Go to his website to order Musik 

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

A Fight No One Deserves

Dr. Jerome Corsi is under attack
Journalism is on the attack
A fight no one deserves.
Buy his book.
And say a prayer 🙏🏼  for Dr. Corsi and his family.

Monday, January 21, 2019

Something Original

Was eager to post Something, 

well, at least 


Anti climatic 

My Grandfather Carl

Sunday, January 20, 2019

For Healthcare Workers and Others... Recognizing the Red Flags of Sex Trafficking

Recognizing the Red Flags of Sex Trafficking: You work in the ED. Tina, a young woman in her early 20’s, has just been brought back to Exam Room 8. You go in to introduce yourself and see that she has come with complaints consistent with a UTI. Tina is lying in bed, appears malnourished, and doesn’t make eye contact. She is with another woma...

Saturday, January 19, 2019


#Tweeps Map

Welcome World 🌍 

Friday, January 18, 2019

Thursday, January 17, 2019


Thursday Throwback to Another Time & Place 
Mom’s Typed Poem
Ad for Parents 
By Edgar A. Guest
God I miss her so ❤️

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

After Awhile


first draft
by Mary E. Gerdt
After Awhile

After Awhile,
Things will be better,

Time will have passed,
Regrets will have faded,

Sorrows will dry after
The crying,

You will feel better,
Not like your dying.

After while,
When your back home

And safe in your place
Where you can roam,

And be one with nature,
Feel carefree again,

After awhile,
When we are older,

And we are settled,
And we are bolder,

We’ll reach for the sky,
Like we did before,

We’ll lose all our fear,
That closes the door.

After awhile,
The sorrow will fade,

That tugs at our heart strings,
That God alone made,

To keep us as humans, not a machine,
Who is hurt by a word, or an unkind deed.

Who heals when times get better and then,
Who bleeds and cries when losing a friend.

No mechanical device, we are flesh and blood,
And tears that we cry,
Rain down from above,
And fall from our faces down to the ground,
And wash off the fairies who watch us and frown,
Sad at all of our earthly emotions,
They stay close at hand when you’re feeling so lonely.

Never think you are alone in the middle of the night,
Or think your small world is causing a fright,
Open up and see the rest of the world
Is on your doorstep and ready to right,

All the bad ills and bad feelings you have,
May you see a world not so bad.
When you are feeling fear and evil intentions,
Look at a flower and its simple invention,

It is not so simple after all,
The flower can lift spirits after a fall,
The scent takes us to places long gone,
With the passing of time,
After while,
Sorrow will be done.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

A Patient Pleads Letter to Virginia Lawmakers

This morning I woke up to excruciating pain in my left thumb 
It feels like razor blades, or a hatchet, 
Sometimes like a Nail, 18 penny at least
I was hoping to make an illicit purchase of cannabis 
Legal in the State of Vermont, my home of 35 years
The state we were taxed out of, we moved to Virginia 
Here, where Cannabis is Illegal 
Medical is sort of legal, plans for low thc oil to be sold once Dispensary’s Open
If you have a license, card, Doctor’ Note
Saying you have excruciating pain of Multiple Sclerosis 
I couldn’t get all that right now
When a Sledge Hammer is pounding my thumb.
So I got Scammed
By a Scumball
Thanks to my Stupidity 
And Vulnerability 
To Laws that keep me from obtaining 
Relief, as a Responsible Adult Disabled Retired Nurse
With a railroad spike in my thumb.
To that scumball who scammed me,
There’s a special place in hell for you.
For my mission to obtain access to pain relief,
I wrote a letter to my new congressman 
Thanks to NORML for a link.
I added my two cents at the end of the form letter

As your constituent, I urge you to support Senate Bill 1557, to expand the limited medical cannabis oil program.

The measure would allow Virginia’s licensed practitioners to recommend and pharmaceutical processors to dispense full therapeutic-strength medical cannabis oil.

Previously enacted legislation that sought to provide patients with access to a small subset of medical cannabis oils with limited therapeutic potential is not sufficiently addressing patients’ needs. Many patients will still resort to federal interstate drug trafficking or to the illicit market to obtain medical cannabis therapies with the required cannabinoid ratios. Current law provides no in-state, standardized source for full therapeutic-strength cannabis medicines and leaves far too many patients suffering needlessly. Virginia patients deserve safe, regulated access to full therapeutic-strength medical cannabis medicines at our licensed pharmaceutical processors.

Please support SB 1557.
Addendum: I have Extraordinary Pain from Multiple Sclerosis.
I moved to Virginia from Vermont where I was allowed to use Medical Cannabis
I have been dry since October
I find myself in extreme pain some days
I have begun application for Medical Cannabis in Virginia but the Application process is very difficult. I need to get Virginia drivers license and convince my Doctors that Medical Cannabis helps my pain. Virginia apparently not ready for Medical Cannabis, available just north of the Virginia Border in Washington DC! But Not to Me.
I’m suffering.
So bad I just tried to buy Cannabis online and was just scammed out of about $500 to a fake pot salesman. He used my Vulnerable stupidity to rob me of bitcoin.
I’m still in pain and now $500 is gone.
Yes, I’m that desperate.
Why do I have to suffer?
Food for thought.

Pain is...

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Why, Again

Why, Again 

Repeat from 2012 blog post...😎

why we blog

and you should too
What you say, see, think, hear or believe,
is shared by at least one if not a billion people
if even one says 
well done
the energy of the message, that you formulate,
compose, devise,
then respond,
and publish,
that energy is precious
in spite of
sometimes glaring typos you cannot see until the next day,
and even then,
it is your blog.
it is OK.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Utopian Dreams

Putting all my mentions of Utopia in one place...

Thanks Thread Reader App for your great service ! 
Hope my readers support you and use your invaluable service

Friday, January 11, 2019

Friday Night Musik

A Favorite of mine
Link From Joe Bonamassa YouTube Channel 
The Ballad Of John Henry


Thursday, January 10, 2019

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Pain in Charge


Is running my post 

Deep and Persistent 
It Won’t 
Go Away 

Scarred Gnarly Nerves
Cut my skin like a Knife  
A Spike in my Thumb 
Cutting at my Life

I won’t scream
Nor Cry
No, I won’t Die
Of this Pain I endure
I’ll just Pray for a Cure.

Meg 2019

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

The Plough

A poet I follow posted a beautiful poem...
Link to his website below...

Monday, January 7, 2019

Music Link for Monday

Just watched History Of Stevie Ray Vaughn and The Texas Blues
Made me search YouTube for a Link 
Found this gem
And posting a link of SRV 🎸playing with His Favorite Artist Albert King 👑 
Recently uploaded on SRV Video YouTube channel ❤️😎
Blues Masters

Sunday, January 6, 2019

You are Unique

You are Unique 

Thoughts for Sunday 

From Twitterspere 
Disability and Jesus

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Random images

(Not Political)

Remembering old cats...

Captain and Jasper Sean

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Justice Praying

Justice Praying 🙏🏼 

Speaking Up
Speaking Out
Fighting Back
Not as easy as it looks
On TV 📺 

Attacks are Easy
When the opposition Hates You
Justice is Blind

I flash back again 
Our courthouse nightmare 
Accused relentlessly 
Giving in
Giving up
Just Us
In the process.

I turn red when I’m mad
Never could fight and win
Giving up comes easy 
Paying quite a Price.

Looking back 
We couldn’t fight 
And survive it all
Just Us
We made a pact.

Now years later,
The Sting a familiar Memory 
Cleansing didn’t take the Stains out.
Scars faded
In my Dreams,
My Subconscious Playground.

Then the Doctor 
Fighting back
Asked for Prayers.
I couldn’t help 
But offer mine 🙏🏼

Will check in Tomorrow 
Will Justice Be There?

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

New Year New Thoughts

The New Year

Isn’t really New.
I guess I mean 
It’s just another rotation 
Of our Earthly Home.

That’s still Significant 
Every Day 
Not just when the crystal ball drops
Or people stay up late, drink and eat.

Mentally it is a day to
Wipe the slate clean,
Erase the bad memories of yesteryear,
Make way for Fresh experiences

Last year held huge Challenges for us
As we left our old home in Vermont 
For another home in Virginia.
Difficult but Necessary 
A Great Move in the end,
A relief as we age.

So Adios 802
Adios 1918
Welcome 2019 
Another trip around the Sun 🌞 
Have a Great New Year!

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Breaking **** Barriers 😎🚀👍🏼🇺🇸🍾

From The Twittersphere, Alan Stern 😎

Happy New Year 2019 🍾🚀🥂💃🏼😎

Wishing you all a Happy and Prosperous New Year 2019 

A little favorite music from YouTube to get your toes tapping 😎

Beth Hart
Joe Bonamassa
Et al
Stellar 👍🏼