A rambling train of thoughts about the universe and our micro solar system consisting of our dear Sun and other planets in a magnetic dance while we hurtle through space on the face of a rock and stare at flat screens where we attempt to connect while we detach.
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Monday, July 31, 2017
Sunday, July 30, 2017
Saturday, July 29, 2017
Friday, July 28, 2017
Thursday, July 27, 2017
Wednesday, July 26, 2017
Rerun #2/2 Travelogue for the Universe: Revenue Blues 2
Travelogue for the Universe: Revenue Blues 2: Revenue Blues 2 Tax and Spending That's all those lawmakers do. Revenue is just another word For Taxing your sorry �� ass. ...
Re-run... Travelogue for the Universe: revenue blues
With news that Vermont legislature is kicking around raising property taxes,
On top of town taxes,
Oh, pardon me,
Not Taxes,
It's "Revenue "
Travelogue for the Universe: revenue blues: revenue blues some call it taxes, some cannot pay, some call it revenue, to hide what they say, some want to shirk them, others pay thei...
On top of town taxes,
Oh, pardon me,
Not Taxes,
It's "Revenue "
Travelogue for the Universe: revenue blues: revenue blues some call it taxes, some cannot pay, some call it revenue, to hide what they say, some want to shirk them, others pay thei...
Tuesday, July 25, 2017
Monday, July 24, 2017
Sunday, July 23, 2017
Letters I've sent #healthcare
Hello Senator Leahy,
I write to you about health care and all the urgent reform some think are needed.I am an RN Case Manager with almost 30 years experience working in Vermont between hospital, subacute, nursing home, insurance/HMO, long term care and home based care. That is in spite of low wages initially and tough conditions.I was laid off in 1996 because I was under 40 and the legislature protected the elder workers.
I have recently lost over 40 thousand dollars in my retirement/savings, was denied disability insurance 3 days after my MS diagnosis and lost a bundle-over 200 thousand on legal expenses and payout after a 5 year bloody family land court fight.
But I never wrote you before that I recall.Maybe I was just stunned by circumstances.But I write you now, not angrily, but passionately, that you must not pass legislation that promises to fix the health care system in a thousand pages.
My healthcare is pretty good now so please stop saying how broken it is. I agree with Medicaid waivers because I work for Vermont's Choices for Care. And yet I disagree with the generous financial loopholes where large assets are hidden and passed to others while I visit other starving or homeless Vermonters and pay very high taxes.Managed care is not something to be undertaken lightly. I worked for Kaiser and believed in our concepts but still it soured my stomach to turn down a circumcision because the child wasn't the right age.I have cared for Canadians who had to wait or spend their dollars in the US to get our level of care.And please support tort reform. Not only for health care. But also in cases like ours, where we lost so much.Finally, I must remain in my present health care support system. Do not change one thing. Add a catastrophic+preventive system for the poor. Vermont has an ideal system. I fear we will not be able to afford it much longer.Aren't you better off really studying what is working, who is happy, and who needs what? Then make incremental changes. Do not doubt we have the best health care system in the world. This means more to me than money or time. That is why I write today, not out of anger. My anger is gone since diagnosed with MS. I do not have the time for anger. Mary Gerdt RN
I write to you about health care and all the urgent reform some think are needed.I am an RN Case Manager with almost 30 years experience working in Vermont between hospital, subacute, nursing home, insurance/HMO, long term care and home based care. That is in spite of low wages initially and tough conditions.I was laid off in 1996 because I was under 40 and the legislature protected the elder workers.
I have recently lost over 40 thousand dollars in my retirement/savings, was denied disability insurance 3 days after my MS diagnosis and lost a bundle-over 200 thousand on legal expenses and payout after a 5 year bloody family land court fight.
But I never wrote you before that I recall.Maybe I was just stunned by circumstances.But I write you now, not angrily, but passionately, that you must not pass legislation that promises to fix the health care system in a thousand pages.
My healthcare is pretty good now so please stop saying how broken it is. I agree with Medicaid waivers because I work for Vermont's Choices for Care. And yet I disagree with the generous financial loopholes where large assets are hidden and passed to others while I visit other starving or homeless Vermonters and pay very high taxes.Managed care is not something to be undertaken lightly. I worked for Kaiser and believed in our concepts but still it soured my stomach to turn down a circumcision because the child wasn't the right age.I have cared for Canadians who had to wait or spend their dollars in the US to get our level of care.And please support tort reform. Not only for health care. But also in cases like ours, where we lost so much.Finally, I must remain in my present health care support system. Do not change one thing. Add a catastrophic+preventive system for the poor. Vermont has an ideal system. I fear we will not be able to afford it much longer.Aren't you better off really studying what is working, who is happy, and who needs what? Then make incremental changes. Do not doubt we have the best health care system in the world. This means more to me than money or time. That is why I write today, not out of anger. My anger is gone since diagnosed with MS. I do not have the time for anger. Mary Gerdt RN
Our 4th generation farm was threatened by a near tax lien sale. I am a woman landowner and was not notified. I have no recourse but to sue the town of Monkton. You helped save our bats/neighbors on Raven Ridge. How about reforming tax lien sales. We cannot afford to sue the town. Legal aid laughed at me because I have a savings account. I need the savings as my disability insurance because I have MS and was denied disability insurance.The town fathers think they only had to tell my husband, whose father just died. The town fathers used our old attorney against us who denied a conflict of interest. We were only 9 months late paying property taxes.Can you help or will you ignore? My blog: http://traveloguefortheuniverse.blogspot.com
Letter to radio station wdev Nurses not represented on GMC Board Regarding health care reform, as a Registered Nurse in the State of Vermont for 30 years this year, I am disappointed none of "The 5" represent the viewpoint of a number of caregivers: nurses, support care workers, direct support people, ICU&ER nurses, nurses all over. This is critical. Restructuring the financial charts first is not a good approach. The beginning assumptions that the system is irreparably flawed is, itself, a flawed assumption. First, to me the strengths of the current system must be identified, then identify the weaknesses. Then work incrementally, not immediately. Then assess the incremental changes.I hope my opinions are considered by those who read this. You may need a nurse to save your life. Nurses need their valuable opinions heard and considered. I believe the best way is with widespread surveys of every Vermonter and every direct care worker.
What works? What does not? Why? How to make it better. Thanks for posting info about the 5.
- Mary E. Gerdt
Saturday, July 22, 2017
Friday, July 21, 2017
Replay... Travelogue for the Universe: Friday Night Musik
Travelogue for the Universe: Friday Night Musik: Friday Night Musik This week, Falcons on my mind. Mom's cause was to rid waterways of ddt. We see falcons now. ...
Thursday, July 20, 2017
Wednesday, July 19, 2017
Replay... Travelogue for the Universe: Atlantis
Travelogue for the Universe: Atlantis: Atlantis I can still see my mother's eyes light up at the word, Atlantis A mythical place, a mysterious story, a continent, was it mo...
Tuesday, July 18, 2017
Monday, July 17, 2017
Sunday, July 16, 2017
Parsnip Webworms ...Friendly pests
The Webworms were Active...
On Poison Parsnip.
God sent ❤️
Saturday, July 15, 2017
Friday, July 14, 2017
Thursday, July 13, 2017
Wednesday, July 12, 2017
Tuesday, July 11, 2017
Travelogue for the Universe: We are one
Travelogue for the Universe: We are one: We are one Can there be a doubt? Can you figure out, How there could be A way besides We are one? And if there is No start or end ...
Tweet from
my artist friend...
Travelogue for the Universe: We are one: We are one Can there be a doubt? Can you figure out, How there could be A way besides We are one? And if there is No start or end ...
Tweet from
my artist friend...
Monday, July 10, 2017
Sunday, July 9, 2017
Saturday, July 8, 2017
Thoughts on Gaz, #Fracking and the Future
I'm awake and I found this gem I wrote ..Like the Psalm Challenge from a few years ago, hosted by Robert Geiss, when you read the Psalm...the Song, it has different meaning depending on the context in which you read it. Today, years later, I woke up early and thought about Vermont's divergent roads. One ☝🏾 is fracker free, no pipeline extension, no extension cord from Canada to NYC,no Gaz to Vernon shut down nuclear plant. One road is leaving Vermont littered with soon to be obsolete gigundo solar mirrored fields, huge windmills placed on blasted mountaintops, vibrating the neurological system of man woman child and beasts,an extension cord the length of Lake Champlain after dredging a pathway. Disturbing fish 🐟 habitat,and revolutionary war relics and bones from soldiers in sunken war ships.Not least is the Trans Vermont pipeline. Now made shallower by the PSB now called PUC.
Sunday Psalm for #Fracking fighters
Sing me a song,
Of a Pipeline gone wrong,
and I'll tell you it's
all about Gaz.
Pipefitters on Meth,
Drawing their last breath,
Welding their pipes,
A faint smell of Death.
Journalists Swoon,
Singing the Gaz Tune,
Keeping their Advertising,
Their Position Uncomprimising.
Politicians are told,
PSB knows the score,
3 feet underground?
Yes, said the....PSB.
no, this doesn't rhyme at all w/ me either...
Fracking voted down,
In each Hamlet & Town,
Gaz, he don't care,
He wants to be Everywhere.
(or is gaz a she, or an it...)
A 16 year old could see,
The Folly,
like you & Me,
of a pipeline of Hell,
Rome Fell,
He saw the Future like We,
#fracking fighters
We Be.
notes meg:
We love the Earth,
Our back yard,
our water,
our soil.
We love the Lake,
it gives us
Beauty, environment, fish, recreation.
We watch as the dinosaur bone wars continue.
Battles over fossil fuels-limited, finite, toxic.
Fuel prices going up again. Wars...
Is this to prop up the (un) natural gaz market?
Cram all these pipelines....through our rural neighborhood.
Not through the beautiful peoples' backyards,
they already winked and nodded and signed off in invisible ink. Oh yes, and New York State successfully averted a pipeline from Canada to International paper which sits on Lake Champlain across from Shoreham, Vermont. So why is NY silent about their "half" of the Lake Champlain which is earmarked for a high pressure gaz pipeline originating in Alberta, Canada? Maybe because their half of that part of the lake is a toxic sludge pile from vintage paper making. If I crossed all this out, it is because no one dares predict the combination of fermented chemicals and a burst pipeline...come on...it will happen. Freeze,-thaw,-pipefitters on meth, in a hurry, defective products, wear and tear. The fricking lake freezes over with Feet of ice. God help us all.meg
Of a Pipeline gone wrong,
and I'll tell you it's
all about Gaz.
Pipefitters on Meth,
Drawing their last breath,
Welding their pipes,
A faint smell of Death.
Journalists Swoon,
Singing the Gaz Tune,
Keeping their Advertising,
Their Position Uncomprimising.
Politicians are told,
PSB knows the score,
3 feet underground?
Yes, said the....PSB.
no, this doesn't rhyme at all w/ me either...
Fracking voted down,
In each Hamlet & Town,
Gaz, he don't care,
He wants to be Everywhere.
(or is gaz a she, or an it...)
A 16 year old could see,
The Folly,
like you & Me,
of a pipeline of Hell,
Rome Fell,
He saw the Future like We,
#fracking fighters
We Be.
notes meg:
We love the Earth,
Our back yard,
our water,
our soil.
We love the Lake,
it gives us
Beauty, environment, fish, recreation.
We watch as the dinosaur bone wars continue.
Battles over fossil fuels-limited, finite, toxic.
Fuel prices going up again. Wars...
Is this to prop up the (un) natural gaz market?
Cram all these pipelines....through our rural neighborhood.
Friday, July 7, 2017
Thursday, July 6, 2017
Travelogue for the Universe: Flashback to the First Generation Travelogue... #M...
This is a flashback
To a flashback...
My current blog visitor total
At Approximately
Thanks to my readers for visiting...
Travelogue for the Universe: Flashback to the First Generation Travelogue... #M...: 10.03.2015...My Notes: I am very close to 200,000 total views. It is a personal milestone that sparked a Flashback post to my firs...
Wednesday, July 5, 2017
Nature's Way
The nuisance, non native to Vermont
Wild Poison Parsnip.
Seeds flourished in any disturbed soils,
Like our garden 😞
Theses photos from last year.
We were hopeful when we identified
The Parsnip Webworm
This year, the Parsnip
Plants are less robust,
And we saw the Webworms survived. scroll down
Here are photos of this year's plants
See the webworms have started in the immature flowers.
The plants are weaker this year,
Second year of no mow.
Better than digging up those vile wild poison Parsnip!
Nature's Way
Tuesday, July 4, 2017
Re run: 🌟⭐️Travelogue for the Universe: Amy Helm :: GRAMMY Museum :: Interview
Travelogue for the Universe: Amy Helm :: GRAMMY Museum :: Interview: Link to a great interview of Amy Helm and several tunes from her new album. Didn't it Rain... appropriate for anyone in th...
Monday, July 3, 2017
Sous vide
It was a Special meal,
Fred had a birthday.
We chose to buy fine foods and cook at home.
I discovered the Sous Vide method,
Literally Without Air.
We got an Anova Cooking apparatus
And have found the perfect steak,
The perfect egg,
And much more yet to be explored...
Look 👀 it up....
The scallops came from Great Alaska Seafood...wow...
Sunday, July 2, 2017
Rerun for Sunday 🌺 Travelogue for the Universe: Psalm Challenge 140
Travelogue for the Universe: Psalm Challenge 140: Psalm 140 Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition (DRA) 140 I have cried to the, O Lord, hear me: hearken to my voice, when I cry to t...
Saturday, July 1, 2017
Music 🎶 Link
Beautiful Group of Musical Masters
Live Acoustic show at Carnegie Hall.
Link from Joe Bonamassa Channel on YouTube 😎❤️🌺🎸🎻🥁🎹🎧🎤🎬
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