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Monday, November 30, 2015

November Gloom

November gloom
it is inevitable,
here in the land of snow,
we got a reprieve,
sun and warmth,
winter creeping back,
just in time for climate protests.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Before Digital

Hold to the light card c. 1910

Image appears when you hold up to a light

Happy New Year card c. 1910

Thursday, November 26, 2015




I thought I had covered 
this U.S. holiday
other years.

Finding it simple just to ask...

Have a wonderful day!

Wednesday, November 25, 2015


Flashback to the year I went to visit Shard Villa
with the administrator.
A special place.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Knight Salve #4

Knight Salve #4

I cannot tell you how long this path has been, this path of pain.
When the pain is there, it's sharp, stabbing, distracting, impossible.
Petrolatum was the medical recommendation, to heal my tattered skin.
It only lasted so long and I was looking for my own formula.
My husband found this website where he ordered me kefir grains:

There is a wealth of information on their website.
I am sharing my latest projects and encourage you to try some of these.
Knight Salve originated with me writing a screenplay about a knight who is wounded and nursed to health by his future wife. The knight played by Glenn Hughes, his real life wife plays the healer woman to be his wife.
No I haven't written it yet, just ideas for the movie score...(meanwhile enjoy the you tube links :<)

Sorry, this one I posted this morning doesn't work in the US.
It is beautiful....

Now for Salve and Soap talk.

My first project Fred got me Kefir grains from I have been cultivating Kefir, mixing with yogurt for broad spectrum probiotics. Then I got into making salve and soap. 
4th version "Knight Salve" No I didn't measure. Shea butter, Cocoa butter, Coconut oil, Olive oil, Emulsifying wax (helps bind-blend water and oil soluble ingredients) Tincture of frankincense Tincture of myrrh Makula honey (medi-honey) Gently heat stirring constantly over double boiler until all melted. Pour into jars. 
Soap: Cultures For Health has melt and pour soaps and molds. I made hemp oil soap with lavender essential oils And goat's milk soap with relaxation essential oils. They also have a shampoo base that I put lavender essential oils into. The cartoon describes the pain and recovery through use of frankincense and myrrh. I believe the gold of biblical times is honey. 

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Friday, November 20, 2015

Richard Barone Friday Night Music

here i was,
thursday night,
no post, no music racked up
for friday,
my tradition,
my hobby,
my routine.

Richard's update came
just as i had nearly given up.
Perfect idea for music,
and an fyi,
his pledge music project
is looking good.
check it out.


Prior videos from you tube show a sample of his genius...meg

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Tuesday, November 17, 2015


**warning if none if this makes sense to you,
that is quite beyond my ability to fix it. meg


Was trying to post all of my comments
2 didn't make it so far of mine.
I think because it has my blog post link.
Well, here is the blog link
to the letter addison independent refused to publish:

That was in 2010!

this is the latest 2015

Link to original article from addison independent:

For the record,
all the comments:

Plato, justice and perfecting the soul

Mary Gerdt
Mary Gerdt  Say what?  5 hours ago Pending
Ah, you are Ms. Nomer using a new alias. You are awfully judgmental. Here is my original letter that this newspaper chose not to publish. You don't know me, Ms. What. Don't judge me. Take off your veil.http://traveloguefortheunivers...
Mary Gerdt
Mary Gerdt  Say what?  3 days ago
Dear Say What. You may also be highly educated one, Ms. Nomer. What I wrote is from deep down in my soul. To be frank, I had to suck it up in 2007 when Monkton, Vermont put my property up for sale, this newspaper published it and I was never notified which is my Constitutional Right. They told my husband in a malicious timeline that that state couldn't care less about. The Statewide property tax system is crippling people like many of us. Consider what I write as good, bad, atrocious. Say What, you are insignificant to me. Yet you spike me with a nasty, Snark! I believe you are an educator.
Mary Gerdt
Mary Gerdt  Say what?  17 days ago Pending
Say Huh? Opinion is all mine. You disagree. You sound like Ms. Nomer. I Do reread and alas my editor had the week off leaf peeping. Or is it LeafPeeping? I have a dyslexic condition where, yes, I made a mistake. It is Bruce Cunningham of Hinesburg. Here is a link to the facts 
Say What, get off my case, please. Snarky? Sounds exactly like Ms. Nomer. Take the cape off. Play nice.
Mary Gerdt
Mary Gerdt  18 days ago
Odd facts to think on. Would Plato approve of philosophy taught to the masses when only this first article is available to cash strapped readers like myself and subsequent articles cost $$? I responded back when you wrote the Plato article. My property was up for sale 9 months past due taxes. The town only told my husband. It was wrong, mean, certainly Injust. This paper didn't publish my letter back then. I want Plato to be a woman, in 2015, and she finds out what the Town did to her. I hope she would do as I have, reign in my emotional angst, hate even. Then she would write her heart out. Then she would sit in her chair, body hurting from MS. She just cashed in some of her retirement to pay the property taxes. No vacation for disability retirement. Next April taxes will be due on the dispersement, we will pay the taxes. They won't catch me late again. They are doing another town plan, (it's required, you know). If they find some more worthy living creatures, they will try and downzone me. I am ready, pen in hand. Let's bring Plato and Socrates back as women, 2015 AD. And they don't have $6,000 to pay the revenue agents.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Stick Season

stick season

the sun shines,
that means it's colder,
fuel burns faster,
energy runs out sooner,
spring so far away.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

A Visual Prayer

the day mom left the material plane
i forced myself out to the backyard,
as if sunlight could wash away the smothering feeling.
mom was gone

then a black swallowtail fluttered in front of my face,
teasing me,
i have never seen one in vermont.
then it landed on a burdock in bloom,
mom was all i could think,
mom sent me a butterfly

last night i sat down to write the post for today
and Paris was heavy on my mind,
the horror of hateful people,
not knowing what more is next,
all i could offer was a prayer,
sending this visual prayer as i think again of mom.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Stick Season

Classic Stick Season
beginning in November,
is leafless and gray.
Evergreens offer some color,
Snow not unusual.

This year so far,
Stick season,
Some oaks hanging on to bronze leaves,
Sunny days are unusual
and always welcome.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Elvis Costello, Allen Toussaint - Who's Gonna Help Brother Get Further

Rest in Peace, Mr. Allen Toussaint...

past images

past images

same long light rays,
the sun peeking over the hill,
shadows gain,
leaves will fall,
no label today,
just an ordinary day,
and i am grateful.

Monday, November 9, 2015



Time again on my mind,

and the ill conceived, strangely named:
Time Change (as if you can change time!)
The time change a shocking transition,
Subtle or not, 
Like jet lag,
You must simply change the clocks

most of the leaves have fallen
oddly mild early november. meg

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Poetry, Vinyl, Twitter & Mars and Guy Forsyth

thanks to jeff faria, mars patriot,
for this link to great history of the foundational
poetry of the beat generation. meg

see how twitter, like vinyl, may leave a trail of breadcrumbs,
so future generations may follow the signs,
to understand us cave dwellers.

now for a youtube link with guy forsyth 
and the asylum street spankers
Children of Jack, my favorite of Guy's repertoire of great music.meg

Friday, November 6, 2015

Friday Night Musik Link from Youtube and You Are Transforming...Psychology

One thing led to another.
It didn't take long in the brief burst of cleaning my mailbox to find the Transforming article by Noetics
That led to me searching for The Eyes of the World,
one of my favorite Dead tunes,
Sure enough, a you tube labelled "best version" appeared very kindly,
Yes it is a fine version.
Jerry's fine finger work, Bruce Hornsby sitting in on piano,
the other guys as I remember them,
see if you think it all fits together,
or sit back in awe,
at Jerry, may he rest in peace.

You Are Transforming...Psychology

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

#Fracking Poetry


Fracking is a dirty word,

it's a poison in the ground 
injected in and out comes brown,
the water drained from the aquifer,
rinses the sins, river murdered.

they mocked us girls,
such delicate vulnerable pearls,
armed only with words,
photos, friends and nerds (desperate for a rhyme).

it's a dirty word, alright,
it causes quite a fright,
when those pipelines blow,
nothing left but a big ol' hole.

some guy said tar sands are good and clean,
they strip the ground, it must be seen ,
you won't believe the fracking mess,
no, it's not fracking, maybe second best,
of all the ways to spoil the Earth.

frickin' fracking,
tar sands lacking,
common sense,
not on the fence,
stop it now,
but how?

notes:posted late last night for this morning,
no editing, proofing, free and honest,
in my mind, the tar sand fields, raped by the oil companies,
exempted from oil spill's just sand...
memories of my Uncle Cliff who lived right next to the refineries in Hartford, IL
He used to go up to Alberta and ride horses
he said when you are out in the cold, it was deceptive,
He had to massage his nose to move the blood around.
I do that here when it's real cold and the air is dry.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Another Year's Foliage

the late colors persist in spite of the winds.
these photos from the archives.
2014, I believe.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

You Tube link for All Saint's Day...Update...Link doesn't work anymore...I loved this version, Will search for another...

****Drive back the darkness, the demons, ghouls and clowns.

Updated post...Since my all time favorite you tube was errantly posted by myself...
and I did not try it because I thought it worked,

Here is a you tube even more special, well, at least special in a different way:

All Saint's Day,
Another Hallowe'en behind us.

I kept singing pieces of this Rick Danko masterpiece yesterday...
Have a restful Sunday

Don't try this one...: Sorry that I posted before, and yet, it was a great video rip Rick Danko <3 p="">

  this one doesn't work unless you meet ?? criteria