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Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Blogging forward... Yes Vermont Yankee: Soaring Prices in New England: An Update And Anoth...

From Meredith Angwin's blog...
note: gaz metro bought green mountain power and vermont gas. our nuclear plant is closing
so prices are expected to rise
the Vermont public service board, 5 lawyers who want a fracking gas pipeline to be put through my neighbor's organic garden , through wetlands (it Is Addison county...) and under Lake Champlain to a stinky paper mill...have you ever smelled international paper? no pollution there....
The lake freezes solid many years..
Oh and Ticonderoga, NY is the birthplace of our country in case you missed that day in school.
Before that, a hub for Native Americans and early visitors.
Undoubtedly this area would be better served by a mueseum,
a gaggle of archaeologists...
 not a paper mill....but I digress.

Yes Vermont Yankee: Soaring Prices in New England: An Update And Anoth...: Electricity Prices Rises in New England, Updated Golden coins On Saturday, I posted Electricity Prices Soar in New England. And Soon I...

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