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Sunday, May 10, 2009

Thetford Center

The Travelogue staff (me and Fred) went yesterday to Thetford Center which is Southeasterly from us.
What a beautiful bumpy ride down past Barre and through that surprise instructionless rotary. Basically a sign that said <---Route 12--->.
No East or west as if our instinct might have guided us.
A rotary with no hints about how to merge. Just go like h*ll.
The road sported more open land and less of the spot development we see here.
The towns and schools over there more modest, more sensible, preserving the puritanical roots of the inhabitants. I hope it stays that way a little longer.
The Thetford Center community center is small and tidy and utilitarian. Big sunny windows, nice kitchen and basic simple chairs, tables, essentials.
A friend's 60th Birthday party was the occasion. We enjoyed the simple afternoon away from our sometimes stressful lives.
These are only available if you are willing to take an afternoon, depart from the interstate and bump along some back roads and break for bear, moose, turkey and tractors.
Bring a dish.
We also checked out Garden mats (in Calais,VT) produced by this stressed out guy who cuts holes in these tarp like plastic fabric sheets so you can plant and cut down on weeds. We got an 18 x 4 foot foot section just to try it out. Think we'll do peppers.
Have a great Mother's day to Mothers everywhere. You are why we are here. I salute you.

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