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Thursday, May 14, 2009

A Different Drummer

Looking up all facts about drumming in preparation for the Levon Helm concert next week. What excitement as we anticipate the concert of a lifetime.
Drumming actually puts you into an altered state where your left and right brain are balanced. Drumming keeps you in the moment, the now, the heartbeat. Drumming evokes emotions, lets it all out and puts you in the groove.
Shaman used drums to alter their consciousness.
They are now using drumming circles in dementia wards, cancer groups, other illnesses (incl. MS), ADHD!
So feel the beat, tap your feet.
Listen to the drumbeat and you'll hear the bones of the music, the rhythm.
Listen to Levon and you hear the soul.
We'll report back on this travel story later.
Rat a Tat Tat

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