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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Fabrications of the Idle Mind

Sometimes people make up details they label or believe are facts to serve their narrow minds.
This indeed is an important mechanism for the manipulative, the narcissistic.
Their belief of their stationary viewpoint is just that. Stays in one place, stagnant, rotting.
The idle mind loses the momentum we need to create new things, new experiences.
It is funny to compare what one person sees against what another sees.
Our filter is the experiences we have had before, what we learned and retained, and our personality "mix". Think of each of our brains being wired according to our DNA blueprint. Add trauma, disease and external forces. We are being bombarded each day by rays, zooming space particles, bacteria and other pests, sunlight, magnetism, and on and on.
Even stationary life then is still always alive and in motion, evolving, changing.
Even as the stagnant human endeavors to keep from changing, he has changed.
Even as we see the fabrications of the Idle Mind, we realize it is in the past and best forgotten, like other gossipy trash people often spew when feeling insecure about themselves.
Feel how our minds should remain active and stimulated and not stagnate.
Exercise your mind when you can.
Do something new today.
Fabricate your mind in gear and drive it.

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