Monday, September 30, 2024

New #Gadolinium Book-Patient Experiences, Available Information

 My Book ReviewπŸ“š

Friend and X’er @Lambertdebb recently published a book about #Gadolinium, a common contrast injection given prior to many #MRI Tests.

I read it in one day.

Having had a number of Doses, I took particular interest in it,

Of Course. Debbie led me to Questions, some with answers.

1️⃣ What’s the Proof so I can show all of My

Academic Specialists?

2️⃣ What have other patients experienced?

3️⃣ What has God got to do with it?

4️⃣ Why is @Wagner_Nephro more curious than most Doctors?

5️⃣ Are the new ICD-10 codes looking for matches? Anybody counting?

6️⃣ Have Payers and Providers considered FDA Warnings? Liabilities, perhaps, for long term health consequences of patients receiving Gadolinium. Frequencies, Doses, identification of which drug. Pharmacy, Storage, Purity, Location of MRI Machine.

Informed Consent?

7️⃣ What are patient’s options? Testing, Chelation, no Chelation, diet, lifestyle, write your heart out, pray to whatever/whoever/however You Believe.

You’re going to need it.

No answers yet

Debbie Lambert covers much of these topics.

Many of the answers are yet to be recognized.

Mary Gerdt

Retired Disabled Registered Nurse.





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