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Thursday, September 2, 2021

Cannabis, How Will They Vote?

 In the Land where Laws are made, Senators will 

Vote πŸ—³ on 

Federal Cannabis Legislation.

I wrote my Senators about

Reasons I’ve needed a Medical Cannabis Card in Virginia 


I’ve had No access ⛔️ to A Source.

That Hurts.

To My Virginia State Senators,

We moved to this fair State 3 years ago. We wished we’d come sooner. When I moved here, I was relieved Virginia had Legalized Medical Cannabis.

I have Extraordinary Pain from Multiple Sclerosis. I have Spasticity, Angst.

I can’t buy one bud.

Right now.

3 years after being approved for Medical Cannabis and I could access at a dispensary  in Burlington, Vermont.

I have no connections. Growing is not realistic.

I found Delta 8 Hemp based Low THC products have really helped my pain and thus my mood. It was one therapeutic Cannabis form I could access.

Then I heard some lawmakers want to stop sending Delta 8 by mail.

I believe Less regulation is better among consenting competent adults. My Neurologist said She would rather I take Cannabis for Pain, than OxyContin. 

I am writing as your constituent to ask that you support the forthcoming efforts of Senators Cory Booker, Ron Wyden, and Majority Leader Chuck Schumer to finalize and advance legislation to repeal the federal prohibition on marijuana and to eventually regulate cannabis commerce.  

On July 14th, 2021, these three Senators released their proposal and are taking public comment until September 1st, when they will go through stakeholder feedback and work on their package for a formal legislative introduction.  

It is my hope that you will work in good faith with these offices on a package that you can VOTE YES on when the Senate Majority Leader brings it to the floor later in the legislative session. 

Public support for marijuana policy reform is at an all-time high, with Gallup reporting a supermajority of Americans supporting its legalization, including outright majorities of Democratic, Independent, and Republican voters. 

Now is the time for your office to commit to supporting an end to the failed and cruel policy of marijuana prohibition. 

Thank you. 

Mary Gerdt 

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