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Thursday, September 30, 2021

#TBT Travelogue for the Universe: Ed

Travelogue for the Universe: Ed: I wrote this story for a contest and I got the rejection letter today. There were 101 entries so I am OK with that. But still, here is my st...

Saturday, September 25, 2021

#Gadolinium Tweets and #Caturday


About 6 am EDST,

Just realized I forgot the Caturday photo 😎🤦‍♀️


Friday, September 24, 2021

Thursday, September 23, 2021

De-Individualization 😷


Wednesday, September 22, 2021

For the Love of Cats 🐈


Hampered by my limited Internet options this fine Virginia Morning 

Dagen  helped me out  🐈  😻

Monday, September 20, 2021

Seeking *** Warning, graphic medical images

 Seeking, ever Seeking,

Trying to Forget 

This Pain so hard to bear.

Took some Photos 

Of my thumb.

Are the Thready looking threads, threads 🧵?

Black, blue, silver.

3 dimensional.

Magnification 250x to 500x, maybe a little more magnification.

In Bright Sunlight 

Thumb: Healing for seems like forever.
I describe as
Otherworldly pain.

So,what do actual Threads look like when magnified?

Funny, looks like there’s plenty of images,

And they don’t much look like the enigmatic threads in my thumb.

Thx to Google:

Question:: Is it Retained Gadolinium?

Sunday, September 19, 2021



We were going the wrong way,

Looking for a Place to Turn Around,

We found it 😎 🙏🏼

For Sunday Service from Ordinary Office 

Friday, September 17, 2021

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

The Right to Self Determination


Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Musik Link Excellent 😎

 Link from YouTube 

Love this one… Such a Night ❤️

Brian Mitchell 🎹 Master 👍🏼

Monday, September 13, 2021

Great Music 🎶


Sunday, September 12, 2021

Self Determination


Saturday, September 11, 2021

#Caturday and a 20 year Anniversary 9/11

 First, a Photo of Dagen Kitty on top of 

The Second Planet from the Sun 🌞 



10 years ago, I wrote this on the 10th Anniversary of 9/11


Friday, September 10, 2021

Friday Night Musik

 This week a YouTube link from the Grateful Dead Channel         

A very special version of a favorite tune 🎸

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Travelogue for the Universe: The Night They Drove old Dixie down

Posting a link to a blog post I did awhile ago,

When the Legal Status was pending a Court case about 
The Rare and Magnificent,
Much Maligned,
Likely Misunderstood 
Statue of General Robert E Lee. 
He’s going, going, gone.

Travelogue for the Universe: The Night They Drove old Dixie down:   Was dog tired yesterday after a decent day that included hugs from family we had not seen since Christmas. Posted the first video (below) ...

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

In Search of Answers


Monday, September 6, 2021

Sunday, September 5, 2021



Was born 99 years ago today.

I miss him so 

And Remember Him with

A Tear 😢 and a Smile 😊❤️


Saturday, September 4, 2021

Roe v. Wade on the Rocks

 Sara, I know what You were told. That Roe v. Wade was perfect law. Precedent. One person. One set of Lawyers. One Supreme Court Case. 

This precedent that made Abortion legal. No framework offered, no rules, restrictions, protections prescribed. So without a Thorough Process, Review, Public Comment, and Rule-making demanded of a Legislative Process, it was a matter of time before Roe v. Wade be pushed back. Texas pushed it to 6 weeks gestation. Is there a different age to stop? 30 weeks? 42 weeks? How about harvesting live tissue before euthanasia then dismemberment removal for research? Roe didn’t explain the grief and counseling that should be offered and given freely. Texans who want abortions can travel to other states. I think 6 weeks is too early but there is an age of viability separate from the mother. That is when, I believe the fetus becomes a baby. ❤️ If the mother can’t handle the baby, a guardian should be appointed. My take. 😎

Friday, September 3, 2021

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Cannabis, How Will They Vote?

 In the Land where Laws are made, Senators will 

Vote 🗳 on 

Federal Cannabis Legislation.

I wrote my Senators about

Reasons I’ve needed a Medical Cannabis Card in Virginia 


I’ve had No access ⛔️ to A Source.

That Hurts.

To My Virginia State Senators,

We moved to this fair State 3 years ago. We wished we’d come sooner. When I moved here, I was relieved Virginia had Legalized Medical Cannabis.

I have Extraordinary Pain from Multiple Sclerosis. I have Spasticity, Angst.

I can’t buy one bud.

Right now.

3 years after being approved for Medical Cannabis and I could access at a dispensary  in Burlington, Vermont.

I have no connections. Growing is not realistic.

I found Delta 8 Hemp based Low THC products have really helped my pain and thus my mood. It was one therapeutic Cannabis form I could access.

Then I heard some lawmakers want to stop sending Delta 8 by mail.

I believe Less regulation is better among consenting competent adults. My Neurologist said She would rather I take Cannabis for Pain, than OxyContin. 

I am writing as your constituent to ask that you support the forthcoming efforts of Senators Cory Booker, Ron Wyden, and Majority Leader Chuck Schumer to finalize and advance legislation to repeal the federal prohibition on marijuana and to eventually regulate cannabis commerce.  

On July 14th, 2021, these three Senators released their proposal and are taking public comment until September 1st, when they will go through stakeholder feedback and work on their package for a formal legislative introduction.  

It is my hope that you will work in good faith with these offices on a package that you can VOTE YES on when the Senate Majority Leader brings it to the floor later in the legislative session. 

Public support for marijuana policy reform is at an all-time high, with Gallup reporting a supermajority of Americans supporting its legalization, including outright majorities of Democratic, Independent, and Republican voters. 

Now is the time for your office to commit to supporting an end to the failed and cruel policy of marijuana prohibition. 

Thank you. 

Mary Gerdt 

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Synergy Imagined

I have Several Apps for Health, Body and Mind. 

I’m imagining they would 

Talk to One Another,

Then Tell Me What’s Going On.

Good Day 

Bad Day

New Problems 

New Successes 

Exercise Brain and Body

Keep in Motion.

Talk Together.

Apollo Neuroscience Makes my Wrist …Thang 😎

I call it My Apollo.

I Love it!.


Last and Not Least 

My Oura Ring 

The Oura Ring is a Monitor 

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