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Monday, August 2, 2021

Updated #Gadolinium

 If your eyes glaze over like all my Doctors’ eyes when I mention “Gadolinium Toxicity “.

Stop reading now.

If you have had or will have an MRI with “contrast” You’ve had Gadolinium injected into your bloodstream.

I was told 11 times in 9 years that it all comes out in your urine. No need to hydrate.

FDA now admits you retain a little…

Gadolinium: Heavy rare Earth metal, mined in China by Uighur Slaves, rare earth elements are plentiful elements

But you have to mine a large area to get any. Other elements are used in electronics,computers,solar panel, batteries.

After MRI, you usually have to urinate. That’s why downstream from MRI bathrooms, gadolinium is found in waterways-water treatment doesn’t remove.

No chelation found. Hopefully Soon, Gadolinium will stop being used. Until then, question every dose.

Good news:

Will Gadolinium be replaced?



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