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Monday, August 30, 2021

Judge Jeanine Piro Thread


Saturday, August 28, 2021


 This Week Celebrates Cat 🐈‍⬛ and Apples 🍎 

Having fun with my Light X Program 
Dagen our Cat is a Great subject.
I pasted her on a photo of 
The Apple 🍎 Museum 
Fruit Hill Orchard 

   Where We got our peaches 🍑 and apples 🍎😎

Friday, August 27, 2021

Friday Night Musik

 A very special night in Japan long ago…

From YouTube link

The Band ❤️🎼🎬🎼🎸

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Baby has a Name 😻


Monday, August 23, 2021

For the Love of Art


Sunday, August 22, 2021


Friday, August 20, 2021

Friday Night Musik

 Love, Love Dr. John ❤️ 🎹

Link from YouTube 

One More for the Love of Dr. John ❤️😎 

Thursday, August 19, 2021



Monkton, Vermont Memory 

Vulture in flight.

Sad Times for Elders

 I will Never Comprehend the Gross Negligence of 

Governors’Mandates to Long Term Care Facilities to accept 

Covid-19 Positive and Suspected Covid-19 pending culture 

Patients from Hospitals. 

There Certainly was Knowledge of the Liability when, like Magic,

Governor added Immunity to Hospitals for Dumping patients into Nursing Homes.

No, Negligence isn’t exaggerating.

Negligence by Google search;

You Decide.

Now, a Great article link that explains the timeline.

As an Old Nurse, I am Heartbroken 💔 

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Zentangle Again

 Picked up a sketchbook again.

Looked at what I had done with zentangle.


Posting these from several years ago.


Monday, August 16, 2021

Brain Training


Been playing Lumosity every day.

Interesting analysis of how I solve puzzles, play games, think,

Steadily improving 

Good for my Brain 😎

Sunday, August 15, 2021

A Serious Mistake


Had Serious Consequences… 

Who was at Fault for 15,000 deaths or more when Hospitals were directed by an elected Bureaucrat
To dump Covid positive and Covid-19 pending test into Long Term Care facilities? 
It was a terrible order with deadly consequences.


Friday, August 13, 2021

Friday Night Musik

 ShiftMS asked this week for a Song 🎶 that most describes Multiple Sclerosis.

Took me a few minutes…

For the Love ❤️ of Janis 😎

YouTube link:

Thursday, August 12, 2021

The First Amendment is First

 Thank You Senator Dr. Rand Paul!

For Defending our First Amendment Rights.

Below is His Excellent Video, 

My comments: 

Unfiltered, Un Censored. Factual.I was an ICU Nurse Many Years and We Only used N95 masks And were Fit Tested by an Expert Fit Tester. They waved something with a scent to see if you could smell it. We also didn’t let it slip off our nose or constantly adjust it. It fit Tight. We also Never touched face and mouth. People naturally do that with cloth masks. Kids are the worst. Snot Rebreather. yuk. 

0:00 / 0:00

15 seconds

15 seconds

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Representative Mom 👩🏻‍🍼

 So much of this was wrong 😑 

I felt the bias from the very beginning, 

When Darren announced a Republican was Pregnant 🤰🏻 

Yes, Darren, We are Reproducing, and Our Numbers Grow.

Unspoken Undercurrent:

When the Margin between Right and Left Legislators narrows,

Every Republican Vote is needed and a few democrats to defeat bills.

Like a Gambler tries to anticipate using odds,

Liberal Reporters let their anti conservative bias creep in.

Monday, August 9, 2021

Travelogue for the Universe: I Wish

Travelogue for the Universe: I Wish: I Wish "I wish, I knew how, it would a be to be free, I wish I could break all of these chains, that are holdin' me." b...

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Jumping Through Hoops

Going through a book of old drawings,

Found a Few of these… Jumping through hoops.
It was when I was applying for disability benefits.
One more form, one more phone call, more letters,
Need more information.
Are You Even Disabled Enough!!??
They question You,
You question Yourself.
If You need to apply for benefits,
Get to know the program,
And Criteria, Requirements.
My suggestion: Take notes before and after applying,
What is your day like.
Not what You tell your Mom or kids “I’m fine”
No, How Your Real life day is.
It’s important to have notes when they ask you all the questions.
Later You can revisit your diary and marvel that it all worked out in the end.


Thursday, August 5, 2021


 Piecing together Memories and Places,

Our Move was quite disruptive for my scarred cognition.

It’s been 2 years here.It’s Good for Us.

That doesn’t make Life Easy.

It never is.


A Memory of a Sculptor, an Artist, Nik Shmatko, Rest In Peace.

Who did Stunning Sculptures of 

President Trump and the Strikingly Beautiful Melania Trump.

In a different dimension, perhaps, Democrats would have accepted the 

USA 🇺🇸 Election of 2016.

Instead, Symbols like this Sculpture got no press, no adoration, no ceremony, no offer to sponsor. It coincidentally happened that More Sculptures would be Disrespected,

In the case of Robert E Lee,

His Statue defaced. City Threatened to tear down. But Lee is buried there.

No one saw a statue of Richmond after it was completed gutted, burned to the ground, women, children, starving and afraid.

There is no such statue.

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Walk Me Out in the Morning Dew


Our Porch Garden is taking shape.

Flowers that Mom loved.

Zinnias, Four O’Clocks, Salvia.

Just then I remembered a Favorite Grateful Dead Tune…

Grateful Dead’s YouTube Channel had a recording from 1974.

Beautiful Version…

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Someday We will be Old…


Monday, August 2, 2021

Updated #Gadolinium

 If your eyes glaze over like all my Doctors’ eyes when I mention “Gadolinium Toxicity “.

Stop reading now.

If you have had or will have an MRI with “contrast” You’ve had Gadolinium injected into your bloodstream.

I was told 11 times in 9 years that it all comes out in your urine. No need to hydrate.

FDA now admits you retain a little…

Gadolinium: Heavy rare Earth metal, mined in China by Uighur Slaves, rare earth elements are plentiful elements

But you have to mine a large area to get any. Other elements are used in electronics,computers,solar panel, batteries.

After MRI, you usually have to urinate. That’s why downstream from MRI bathrooms, gadolinium is found in waterways-water treatment doesn’t remove.

No chelation found. Hopefully Soon, Gadolinium will stop being used. Until then, question every dose.

Good news:

Will Gadolinium be replaced?



Sunday, August 1, 2021

For the Love of New Orleans. YouTube link discovered by accident, or was it?

 Hugh Laurie made a trek to the Heart ❤️ and Soul 

of His Inspiration for


Everything 🎹🙏🏼🎤🎁🎙😎

Link from YouTube.

I don’t own the rights to this life changing hour

And still am compelled to post on my

Blog of Memories.

God Bless Hugh Laurie for taking us on a 

Musical Pilgrimage.