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Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

The Wolf’s Den 🐺

 It might properly be called An Attic Crawl Space.

To Me, It was my Inner Sanctum, as Mom would say,

My place.

We were Warned about walking on the ceiling joists.
If your foot went between, it would go through the first floor ceiling.

I did once but fortunately didn’t go through 😩

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Anxiety, Depression and Disability

 Talk I gave for Virtual Nursing Conference. 

Pardon my fingers, they kept getting  between the camera and I. 

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Missing Her

 No doubt 

We’re Missing Her

Seeing her briefly 

Out of the corner of my eye,

I turn to look.

She’s not there.

Meela 💔

Sunday, April 18, 2021


 Meela passed away this morning. We are Heartbroken 💔  

She appreciated  all your Prayers 🙏🏼 

Like We do ❤️

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Meela Update and MonSter Rants

 Meela is stable at a reduced state of health.

She is eating gravy cat food products with tiny meat morsels.

She is sleeping for long periods and then gets up and saunters around and jumps on Fred’s lap or a chair. Always wants to go out on the porch. Me too. Colder this week.

Now for my MS Rant...

I follow several MS Academic Blogs. This one a Favorite. Still, Have to get my 2 cents in before my daily shot. My Response follows the link:

My response:

Somedays I feel so old school, shooting up Copaxone for 7 years then switched to Glatopa. It’s an easy routine for Me, old Nurse. Needles old hat. No 25 mile clinic drive to the infusion clinic for infusions I could give myself at home. Oh, those hand IV’s are So nasty, especially when our Hands are sometimes our greatest asset. Why not infusaports? I started Copaxone in 2005 in the CombiRx study. I was found to be very stable and turned out was only on Copaxone. I thought it acted like a decoy for the little nerve chomping MonSters? I equate it to Bee Stings I saw Charles Mraz be called to administer in the 1980’s in Burlington Vermont. I feel like Copaxone is like a bee sting, tiny proteins robbing the MonSters of Something they need to Thrive. Would I be worse without it? I have no doubt. I was having exacerbations at several year intervals. Not treated until third one. No exacerbations since 2005 (knock on wood). As long as you mention a drug and say “We believe “ it acts a certain way, you aren’t being honest with yourselves. Copaxone needs to be respected as a good drug especially for an older Grandma like myself. Convenient, private, no IV’s, simple, effective.

Friday, April 16, 2021

Friday Night Musik

 Today a Great Musik  Video YouTube link

Amy Helm and Great Musicians in The Barn 😎🎤

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Monday, April 12, 2021

Anxiety and Depression


Friday, April 9, 2021

Friday Night Musik and Meela Update

 Meela is home on palliative, comfort care. She loves living here like we do.

We spent a lot of porch sitting time together.

She is eating a little, drinking fluids and bowel and bladder working.

Very fatigued with self limited bursts of energy.

Keep your prayers coming. We feel a reassurance there is a higher power at work 🙏🏼

As for My weekly Music Selection,

Feeling nostalgic for the life before we were all connected by airwaves.

Enjoy 😉 Tgiff 👍🏼

Thursday, April 8, 2021



Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Mom, My Mystic ❤️

 Mom appeared to me as a Falcon,

 after She passed on.

Seems like yesterday.

It wasn’t.

Monday, April 5, 2021

Chocolate 🍫 Fog

 My Usual Scheduled Blog Post has been Interrupted by 

Post Easter 🐣  Sunday Chocolate 🍫 Fog

Pardon any inconvenience 🐰🐇🐰🐇🐇🐰🐇

Meela and I spent a glorious afternoon on the porch.

Saturday, April 3, 2021

History Cancelled