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Sunday, February 28, 2021



Friday, February 26, 2021

Friday Night Musik


Some of the best nights of our life

Were at Levon Helm’s Barn 

The Midnight Rambles

This link from YouTube is from a DVD set well worth owning

Thursday, February 25, 2021

I’m from here


Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Song for Rush

 Really sad and happy to hearRush’s wife Kathryn 

Mark Steyn also made our day.


A Virtual group of old friends gathering at the radio 📻 

Remembering an old friend, a familiar voice, a Great Guy.

Posting a song Kathryn mentioned as “their song” 

I couldn’t believe I remembered all the words. 

R.I.P. Rush

This Song’s for You ❤️ 🇺🇸🦅

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Remyelination Is it Possible?

 Once in awhile I see a title and have to stop what I’m doing and comment.

It wasn’t a surprise, remyelination failure by humans.

I always feel the same reading any research on Multiple Sclerosis. Me, Once a Neuro Nurse, eager to help my patients get through high dose steroids after an exacerbation. MS 1980-ish.

No DMT’s. None, Not a one. 

Here come Mrs. Jones again....she can’t walk now.

Admit 5 days then to nursing home for rehab, she can’t handle much therapy.

Today, I got my old school Copaxone shot out to warm up. Often I think of Dr. Panitch who I grew to love for his love of beating the MonSter. He invited me to the CombiRx study when diagnosed in 2007. I was randomized to Copaxone only arm but had flu like symptoms with the weekly placebo Avonex shots. The mind Is powerful. I do think Copaxone offers the Proteins needed to bathe my nerves in soothing broth. The give and take, yin/yang, Flowing. Nothing is static. 

I think remyelination is Healing the Sheath.

Healing over scarred patches like a scab on a wound. Protective. Keeps rawness from spreading while the organism gets better, stronger.

Forget all your fancy mouse 🐁 drugs.

Think Vitamin needs, food for healing nerves.

How to remove toxins?

Prevention is key.

One element is to look at toxins the patient is exposed to.

Particularly Gadolinium. I believe it may do more harm than good.

Do little pieces of Gad do damage to the scarred places that light up on MRI?

Lastly, I recently started PT for my flat feet.

I am truly amazed at what foot exercises are doing for my balance, walking, knee pain.

Maybe this time I’ll keep doing her exercises after I’m done.

Thanks for listening 😎

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Late Entry Mars Perseverance Landing


Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Your Song


Beautiful 🤩 

Sad Times for Elders


Monday, February 15, 2021

#MultipleSclerosis Diagnosis EBV and More

 Dr. Giovanni Breaks it all down. TY 👍🏼

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Sunday Service at The Ordinary Office

 My Church 

Is a Virtual Church

Not so Hard to Imagine 

If You try.

Dave Lucas Leads the Ordinary Office 

This week’s Service is here:

All are Welcome 




Saturday, February 13, 2021

California Dreaming

 On Such a Winter’s Day...

From the ISS, Tweeting Astronaut Victor Glover shares a Special View 🛰

Friday, February 12, 2021

Friday Night Musik

 Another YouTube link of a concert 50 years ago. The Album Tapestry by Carole King. 

I have one and it’s a favorite ❤️😎 tgiff!

Thursday, February 11, 2021



Tapestry is 50 ❤️

YouTube link

A Classic 

A Masterpiece 

Carole King 

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Worship with Me, Virtually

 Posting with express thanks to Dave et al who have made this Wonderful Accessible Service 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 With Me, Us, Virtually. 

Saturday, February 6, 2021



Thinking about Mom today 

Here is her Cat Masterpiece... 😻❤️


Thursday, February 4, 2021

#TBT Travelogue for the Universe: Intro and a poem

2009 was such a long time ago. It was a difficult time, finding out the Town would just ignore my pleas for an explanation of their actions towards me. They tried to sell my farm for taxes 9 months late. By some Divine intervention and a big check, the sale was cancelled. I’m so glad we left that town. 
It could never feel good there again.
Herrad was a friend I corresponded with. I miss her dearly.

Travelogue for the Universe: Intro and a poem: Herrad gave me a wonderful award which I am grateful for. Today, I was again trying to make sense of a process where the Town of Monkton tr...

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Ground Hog Day

 Ground Hog Day

What a Silly Silly Day

Did he see his shadow?

Did he bite the guy in the Top Hat 🎩

In Puxatawny?

For some History of the day, Merriam Webster Dictionary had a great description and 

They posted This photo to show a Classic Ground Hog, Wood Chuck

7:15 Ground Hog reminded me to put up the link for Merriam Webster Article

Monday, February 1, 2021

First Snow


Finally, A Snow Covered Yard

Brightening the Day

Reflecting the Sunlight

Through Filtering Clouds.

First Snow 2021