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Thursday, January 9, 2020


Another stellar thought provoking article...

My comments: Aren’t signs of Premature aging a Symptom of Multiple Sclerosis? Is that what you’re saying? Is this a chicken or egg argument? Maybe Aging is the term that also stumped your “old” (tsk, tsk) colleague. As a nurse I worked with people in their 80’s, 90’s, or 100. Some Seemed as old as I expected. Stooped over, creaky, deteriorated, sick, weak. Some were spry and lively, moving without pain, active, memory sharp. Either category, dying or spry, might have completely lost their memory. I keep comparing myself to other 60 somethings. I can’t work anymore, can barely get around a store. Fatigue, weakness. MRI unchanged in 10 +years. Now B/p up, type 2 diabetes, more pain of arthritis. Always obesity which I know Doctors want me to change. Years of smoking. New insomnia. Pain that wears me out. So bad I get nauseated. My theory about the repeated gadolinium injections you might not believe. My Dad lived into his 90’s. He was pretty functional but mentally miserable with his body that wouldn’t die. He didn’t like the confinement of Being in an assisted living facility. Especially after Mom died. He always told Mom, Walk more, you’ll get better. Then he would tell me the same thing. Like my Mom, I couldn’t, I cannot walk more. I do the best I can. As a nurse I walked a lot. Weekends we cut and loaded our firewood, did chores. I was active and still obese. Flat feet so restrictive. Painful arthritis. Fatigue. My friends in their 80’s work their farm, travel, run, Very Active. We are all so unique. Lifestyle changes are so difficult to accomplish. This disease so painful. I will follow your thoughts and consider your advice. I have lost a few pounds, working with my PCP and getting B/P, glucose under control. I walk when I can, Reduced carb intake, especially empty processed sugars. At 61 I feel Old. Am I smoldering? When I have all these spots in my brain and cord, is it any wonder I can think at all? When a fire smolders, sometimes a part starts burning again. It looked almost dead. When you look at our MRI’s are they Really the Same Lesions? Or are they dying embers, sometimes burning under the ashes. You certainly are making me think. I hope your elder colleague doesn’t stay stuck. We should be open to all ideas about MS and comorbitities. Feeling my age this morning.

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