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Saturday, September 30, 2017

String of Pearls

The last day of September,

A String of Pearls appeared,
A series of blog posts I have done.
The search was Imus.
The results, an interesting group of posts.
From my first blog post-nearly ten years ago to present.

Friday, September 29, 2017

Friday Night Musik

Today the leaves are changing 

The light is dimming,
Cool weather settling back in,
Wind and clouds,
Flocking birds.
And listening to
Black Country Communion 
On the porch.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Gaz Update or how the Gubmint trampled the Nature Park

Gaz Update

Why would you ever donate land to a town for a nature park and expect the government won't allow #fracking pipelines under the park...out if sight, never you mind...

Thanks to Rachel for this update

MEDIA RELEASE: Protect Geprags Park

Contact: Rachel Smolker: 802.482.2848 landline, or 802.735-7794 mobile. Email:

Sept 22, 2017

The Vermont Supreme Court today ruled that Vermont Gas could construct their gas pipeline through a public park in Hinesburg. The case, an appeal of the PUC earlier decision to allow the pipeline through Geprags Park, was brought by citizens of Hinesburg, represented by Woolmington/Dumont, who argued that the Public Service Board did not have authority to grant Vermont Gas the right to an easement.

Rachel Smolker, an intervenor in the case stated: “ Of course we are dissappointed that the SC did not rule in our favor.  Geprags Park was bequeathed to Hinesburg by the Geprags family, specifically for recreational or educational purposes or a school  It seems to set a very dangerous precedent to allow land that has been donated by the grace of good will, with specific restrictions, to be sold off to a utility for their own profitmaking.  Who can feel confident to donate land if their wishes for its’ protection in the future are not respected?”

Theora Ward, a resident of Hinesburg stated: “ Geprags Park is a much beloved little park. While the court did not rule as we had hoped, our opposition did result in a much stronger agreement for the town of Hinesburg, including the requirement that they use horizontal directional drilling, rather than trenching to install the pipeline, and a more reasonable financial settlement. After all, Hinesburg is now hosting a major piece of fossil fuel infrastructure, which not only introduces a multitude of risks, it also imposes limitations on future development possibilities for the town.”

Lawrence Shelton, also an intervenor in the appeal, stated: “ The court argued that they have confidence in and defer to the DPS an PSB oversight and judgement. Yet it was specifically the lack of oversight that spurred a coalition of 7 Vermont organizations to submit a letter of concerns and request for intervention from the federal pipeline administration in 2016. Those communications detailed a series of concerns about construction problems and permit violations.  The fact is that citizens are having to do the job that DPS/PSB is supposed to do. We just hope the PSB (now called Public Utility Commission), under new leadership, will step up to bat and take meaningful action. 

Smolker concluded: “The court’s ruling will not stop us from fighting this pipeline. We have learned too much about how this pipeline was slapped into the ground in haste and without oversight, such that it now poses a serious safety risk to Vermonters. That is in addition to the well known climate impacts of methane gas leaks, and the damages that result from fracking.  This pipeline has a 40-50 year lifespan and has only just barely started to carry gas. We won’t stop fighting this any time soon.”  

Saturday, September 23, 2017



Peering over Dean's Mountain,
Lately called Raven Ridge,
The Sun ☀️ gives us 

Friday, September 22, 2017

Friday Night Musik

For Friends and Family 

Around the Globe,
A Musical Delight,

Ms. Bonnie Raitt 

Pulled from the wellspring 
That is YouTube 

Tgiff 😎🌻🐝

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Rerun...for Mom 😎🦅Travelogue for the Universe: By My Side

Travelogue for the Universe: By My Side: Ever since I can remember and before She was by my side. She had my back, Powerful little human. She called me the sensible one, a...

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Rerun: Travelogue for the Universe: Geneology Links

Travelogue for the Universe: Geneology Links: Links to history I have been doing some research on our family roots and really it boils down to Swedish, Bohemian and Prussian, well ...

Friday, September 15, 2017

Friday Night Musik

Friday Night Musik 

Along comes another week,
Another Friday,
Another song....
Thanks to Joe Bonamassa for his gem,
On YouTube,
In my head all week.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017



Leaves 🍃  will turn colors 
The sunlight's glow fades away 
At winter's doorstep.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017



In the News,
Never Good to nurses,
That Press,
Hungry for a slimy story,
To that personality,
The kindly Nurse,
The Comforting hand on your shoulder.

Having worked with my share of 
Prime Donnas,
Bossy Doctors,
Sometimes abusive in their perfection.
Blaming anyone for their patient who goes south,
At least the Doctors often were hard on us because they cared.

This story is more about when a power,
Not a Doctor,
Tries to Take charge of a Nurse's patient.

This nurse said No. 
I'm with her. 😎

Link to great article about this Nurse...

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Fall begins

Fall Begins 

First you see a leaf,
Red or orange or brown.
Then you see another,
That's when it begins..

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Music Link for Wonderers

I wondered about that song,
That dreamy song,
From late night radio 📻
Art Bell played.
Fred remembered too,
Only we hadn't thought about it for years.
Then I hear reruns of Art Bell shows,
On the radio,
"Somewhere in time ".

That song again...
Finally found a link to post...

Enjoy the music links this week...
Watching the leaves turn.

Monday, September 4, 2017

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Cannabis: a patient pleads

Those who choose to keep Cannabis as an Illegal Substance, obviously do not know the Extraordinarily Distressed Suffering of The Pain of Multiple Sclerosis-Millions of Nerves, stripped of protective myelin. They don’t know what it’s like to sit on the neurologist’s table when your Doctor says, your Pain is part of Multiple Sclerosis. I could prescribe Opioids or write for Cannabis. 
Opioids are fraught with complications. 
What she didn’t know was what a hassle the state made for access. Rules, restrictions. Dispensary with limited supply, mysteriously dispensed, for absurdly high costs. 
Blue Cross? No, they would cover Opioids but not Cannabis. 
Medicare? Same Diff.
Where’s my denial with appeal letter? 
When my money goes dry, 
I’ll fade away on Opioids, 
covered since I’m past the donut hole.