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Saturday, July 30, 2016

My Daily Bread

There's a quiet here today.

The Queen is gone.

the Queen Bee, that is.

Will be forever grateful for Bob and Bob who facilitated a bee rescue from our house.
Only careful practitioners can rescue bees.
The silence of a sound sub audible is still a sound.
Now it's gone. I slept. Now posting late.
I won't blame the bees.
I'll blame the quiet.


Monday, July 25, 2016

Post Office Blues

Rural Free
Means different things
To you and me.
I asked to keep it
Where it was
And has been
For many many years.

Update on our mailbox. After over 100 years, The Post Office has decided Class 3 Cemetery Rd. Is unsafe to deliver to. The weeds tall on the roadside. Road narrow and rough. So the Post Office stopped delivery here. They would deliver to the ditch south of our road. We can't accommodate that request. I would have to cross the road And be vulnerable to traffic that varies in speed. I have been hopeful I could go to the mailbox again. There is something about that, isn't there? So now, my choice was to say I can't make it to the mailbox and they would suffer our driveway and exert more
Energy than necessary. I can dodge dogs, big sucker trucks, lost city dwellers, jump in the ditch to retrieve my mail. No, we have chosen the path where we are renting a box at the post office. If I take Fred to work I can get the mail. Otherwise, we'll pick up our mail when the post office is open and Fred is here-every other Saturday. Rural Free Delivery. Dad is getting a chuckle in heaven.
Oh, and BTW to future residents of Cemetery Rd. Your mailbox will be in the west ditch on Roscoe Rd, even though you don't live there.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Musicians gear up for NoTown Festival

Musicians gear up for NoTown Festival: The NoTown Festival in Stockbridge features 13 music acts over two days.

Vermont (Gaz) Life in Monkton,Vermont #Fracking Report

The #Fracking Pipeline
Is being built,
A neighbor sent this description of
Life near the construction site...

Thanks to Nate Palmer and Jane Palmer
For writing this
For their loyal opposition to the
Fracked gas pipeline.

For those folks who may have just joined FPF, here is a video about the opposition to the Vermont Gas pipeline that is currently being constructed through southern Chittenden and Addison County.
For those of you who are fortunate to not live in the construction is a quick description of what its like:
Back up alarms starting at 5:30 in the morning. Air that smells more like a city bus terminal than a farm in Monkton. Land being trespassed on and desecrated by work crews. Porta potties being located on land outside the work zone and on private property. Landowners threatened with weapons. Ecologically fragile areas ignored and bulldozed. Permits obtained with incorrect information.
The list goes on and gets longer every day the construction continues.
Please, if you observe other infractions, contact Eileen and anyone else you can think of (the Select Board) If you don't complain, these things will just continue to happen. Speak up.
I am concerned that the crew is throwing this pipeline in fast and furious so the construction can stay “ON TIME AND ON BUDGET” regardless of safety and environmental concerns. Meanwhile, VGS still doesn’t have all the easements they need to connect the dots.

Friday, July 22, 2016

#Fracking Poetry for Frickin' Friday for Fracking Fighters!

What the Frack?

By popular demand, my comment to the Digger article

Public fazed. Landowners and farmers, parents, grandparents, children are fazed. Vermont Gaz unfazed. An old rare butternut tree, an elderly friend, a rare sunflower fazed. Vermont Gaz unfazed.

When  I woke up, remembering Friday's Musik yet to be selected.
Not previewed,
But then Joni always rings true...
They Paved Paradise
And put up a parking lot...
Joni....(link from YouTube)

Gaz update #Fracking

The Pipeline through Addison County 

Moves along
In spite of issues.
Next up: Closed door meetings, shhh...

The Digger had a good review of current status:

Link here:


Back with the #Fracking fighters...

Thursday, July 21, 2016

A short walk

The tree and the building were one...

A short walk

Dead wild parsnip tops.
The savior parsnip webworm

Then a few raspberries...

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Monday, July 18, 2016



Has been on my mind a lot,
More so since I am in conflict with the post office.
Dad was shop steward at the letter carriers' union.
Paul gave me this after Dad left the material plane.
The irony of a cigarette lighter as a gift from the health insurance,
Well, it is so Dad<3 i="">

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Mom and Aliens

It's Mom's Birthday today,

Wherever she may be,
I feel her presence often,
She is inside of me.

For me,

An alien story without words...
I think Mom would be amused. 

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Everything He Knew

R. Buckminster Fuller

Was a familiar name in our family banter,
Mid to late
1960's Edwardsville, Illinois.
Our family: parents, us kids, 
extended family, friends.

That's me, on the floor lower left,
Taking it all in.

I explored a little of the
R. Buckminster Fuller website,
And found his work:
Everything I Know.

Here's a link...

Get lost in it,
Solve the world's problems.

Thursday, July 7, 2016