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Sunday, August 30, 2015

Another Year 3

Lake Champlain

A wonderful day yesterday,
with friends, food,
children busy running around.
by this big, beautiful lake.
(were we all together in another time? another era?)
Photos from Another Year. meg

Friday, August 28, 2015

Guy Forsyth Live at Blues Peer July 2014 full concert

Could be no doubt,
Surfing YouTube desperately,
Then I saw Guy Forsyth put up this link,
heard a few bars,and...
I knew this would be Friday Night Music,
for the last Friday in August 2015...
Thank you, Mr. Guy Forsyth.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Art & Music

Art & Music

Susan Shulman


art and music
music and art
one thing leads to another
another leads to another
music and art
art and music

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Monday, August 24, 2015


The neighbor was kind in sharing this special moment with Ed,
This year the Earth is slowly swallowing Ed's sawmill,
You can barely see a roof in the sumac.

When a man finds something that makes him this happy,
How does it get any better than this?
Ed found it.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Another Year 2

Another Year 2

Was it just a painful reminder
of what I cannot do this year?
This bountiful garden photo from 2011.

No, it has to be a pleasant memory,
of what we did that year,
Another year.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

When will there be a DMT for PPMS?

Woke up,
I hadn't posted a daily post.

     Blogging has become
          A sweet obsession
In this daily tedium of coping with outwardly invisible chronic illness.

       What I am looking for,
              When I write
In my worldwide journal,
This video I had saved for special days like today,
Waking to an empty page.

PPMS is a reality to many,
Feared by the knowledgeable
The sensible ones.

As I write this,
Cautiously hopeful,
Tentatively positive,
Carefully analytical,
Enormously empathetic,
To the level of disability that can occur with PPMS

Monday, August 17, 2015

Healthcare Reform....Fact or fiction?

Raise your hand,

If you recognize this as a US doctor's examination room.

None of the items in this photo
Will make you healthy.

How you feel about this room
Is directly related to
Your past experiences
With such a room.

Some of your most serious lifetime conversations happen here.

Only with the addition of people,
Will this room potentially take on powers,
Healing, diagnostics, therapeutic encounters,
Hard conversations,
Avoidance, denial, anger, acceptance,
All can happen here.
Or not.

The concept of healthcare reform
Is inconceivable.

The variables,
The formulae,
Costs, belief systems, cultures,
Too much to analyze,
Make sense of,
Predict outcomes.
(Seems most of what I saw was billing codes...not reform!)

I believe the system of healthcare in the U.S.
Cannot be reformed by taking pictures of doctor's offices,
With the caption,
Healthcare Reform.

Like this photo,
Meaningless without the people,
The patient, their people,
The doctor, nurse, the healthcare providers.

Healthcare reform
Should not be penned by politicians,
Healthcare lobbyists,
Or CPA's.

(Sorry, missed a few words first go around)

The people who should have the biggest input...
The people who would be in this room:
Patient, family, and doctors, nurses.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Friday, August 14, 2015

Fantastic Negrito - "Lost in a Crowd" (NPR Tiny Desk 2015 Winner) Friday Night Musik!

i heard the echoes of injustice
when i heard they wrangled him,
manhandled this musician.
this weekend is for him,
his music resonates,
his story brave,
his path crossed mine
on the www

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Tommy at the Office

Tommy has his office,
Sparsely furnished,
And Levon Helm Midnight Rambles print
we received as a special gift.
Don't wake him early,
He gets a little cranky.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Close to home


The synchronicity seemed exceptionally powerful today,
You know,
Things seem to fall into place.
Today, We seemed to go through our normal life out here,
Forgetting for a moment the horrific winter past or the cold spring and half the summer.
Normal can be exceptional by itself.

Then Twitter surfing yielded a story
Close to home,
Well, sort of.
 Recently I became a fan of The Fantastic Negrito
There's a YouTube link I posted.

Takes a lot for me to be a fan, not boasting, just saying, I can only handle so much :) meg

Here's a link to the story:

I hope you're as angry as I am...

Now for a YouTube of The Fantastic Negrito's
This NPR winning tiny concert...
Enjoy and let him know you support him.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Radio Waves

Radio Waves

How old was I?
When I was bestowed 
A hand me down white rectangular radio.

It was my gateway to
Music, news, weather, sports, banter.
The radio on my nightstand is Sangean,
The newest addition,
Kindle fire with radio apps,
Tune In, I Heart radio.
Happy listening!

Saturday, August 8, 2015



Such Clutter,

What generates such a mess?
Piling Procrastination
On top of Avoidance,
Status Quo,

My blog virtually reflecting,
From writing to writer,
Areas of real life clutter,
Some fate,
Some manmade.

The words fall,
Hoping the reader will see,
Clutter is not so bad,
Well at least not to me.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Friday Night Musik

This week nearly missed my posting.
Picked out what I wanted and never scheduled.
Woke up and remembered.meg
Happy Friday.

Link from YouTube...BBC

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Rerun, again

When the night air starts to get heavy with dew,
The fall is approaching,
Ever so gradually,
The Coyotes know.
My favorite.

Summer Reruns

(note: the local pay newspaper addison independent [but dependent on gaz ads] has commenters like myself on their online version. we commenters are forced to regulate our own tongues, surprised me that they do not moderate the comments. commenter anonymity adds another layer of confusion. anonymous or fictitiously named people reply to my honest, out there, using my name anti fracking commentary. They reply with negative thoughts about me or my beliefs or my speaking up is unbecoming or what i write makes them go daff, then they read more. is it my fault when they go daff from reading my fr*ckin' comments? The lowest blow, was one of them saying i could not be a poet. I can say now, weathered by peoples' hateful rants, it really did not bother me. which all led me to rerun this poem, one of my favorites, each time i post it, it gains new meanings. were they there all along? meg)

Summer reruns

A rerun of one of my favorites.

Summer memories are warm and sweet. I wanted to share a poem even while fearing once I let it out I will be unable to ever outdo it in feeling and depth of myself immersed therein.

Coyote Night by Mary Gerdt * 2008 all rights reserved

When we walk down a road in the dark,
And the Coyotes are crying their mournful cry,
The smells of summer drift and hang in the valley
And little night birds chirp goodnight.
The stars peek out from the clouds of August mist
The moon hangs over the hills by home.
My memories fade to days gone by
When we looked at the nights from inside.
Now we walk on the path outside
Not afraid anymore.
While the coyotes cry.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015



It was not intentional,
That Mom's image should appear,
First as a hat,
Then I don't remember.

At some point in my exercise,
Mom's image appeared.

I took the easy way out avoiding her eyes.
The cool sunglasses fit perfectly.

This was a breaking out Zentangle.
I used 5 objects instead of one.
Use your imagination what they mean.

I saw glimpses of Mom's Akashic Record.
She said to take notes.
Mission accomplished.

Love to Mom in her present incarnation,
She Believed.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Link to great music...

Warren Haynes
Found this link yesterday, 
posted by Classic Rock Radio
Just had to post this...

Monday, August 3, 2015

Photographic Adventures

Photo Retouch offered a free app,
A new adventure,
A bazillion ways to edit photos.
Here a couple we met from West Virginia became my first experiment.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

For Cat Lovers Only!

...all others go take your dog, monkey or snake for a walk...

Friend across the pond shared her cat related "mews"letter...
Enjoy and subscribe, she loves cats!

The editor was kind to publish an article I wrote...Thanks!

For a direct link to my article,
Be sure to subscribe to the Daily Mews!