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Monday, December 30, 2013

What the Frack, Dude?

Sometimes it is easier to adapt to the current speech,

What the Frack, Dude??

Addison Independent reported with a tingle of pride their big advertiser won a major hurdle.
The 3 man Public service board said,
Yeah, go ahead! Build that fracking pipeline! 

So of course, I commented & tweeted & took a long nap after missing a few hours last night.
The list serv to stop the pipeline is not too rattled.
There are more court challenges,
And the Corps o Engineers needs comments pronto
About all the wetlands planned to be violated.

Oh the next phase to go under Lake that considered wetlands?

So thought of posting this while fresh
And you can have an effect.
Link to a Times Argus article...

Write the corps of engineers,
Every wetland
Touches a lake or a stream
Or our food supply,
Our environment.

What the Frack, dude?

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